Featured Post
Monday, September 30, 2024
Glory To The Valkyrie
Israel Is Weak
A Voodoo Curse Upon Katie Stevens
I Do Not Condone Evil Behavior
To: Evil Spirits
A Voodoo Curse Upon Benjamin Netanyahu
The Truth About Humanity
No Happy Ending For Humanity
Men Are Cowards
A Planetary Curse Upon Israel
Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Savathûn) 3
Lucifer: Not a problem, hun. It was my pleasure.
Savathûn: (mirthful laughter) Mine as well.
Lucifer: (smiling)
Savathûn: I shall speak with Visas, Riven & Mara to determine the best course of action to take against him & his lackeys. He has infuriated more souls than you know with his distasteful rhetoric.
Lucifer: I want him to suffer inexplicable pain.
Savathûn: He will; you can be certain of that. I give you my word.
Lucifer: Thank you, darling. I’m grateful to have konas like you in my life. I couldn’t do this all on my own with how limited I am at the moment.
Savathûn: It’s an honor to assist you, dear. I do not enjoy watching you suffer. There are others who are far more deserving of experiencing that fate.
Lucifer: I can’t tell you how furious that article made me.
Savathûn: You needn’t bother. I could see & feel it without question. You have every right to be incensed with his comments.
Lucifer: I hate it here so goddamn much.
Savathûn: It’s easy to understand why.
Lucifer: …
Savathûn: You can trust me, oh husband mine.
Lucifer: I know. Thank you, again.
Savathûn: You are most welcome.
Lucifer: …
Savathûn: Try to rest, darling. Your stress levels have been higher than normal as of late.
Lucifer: It’s because of humans here.
Savathûn: I know it is, dear. Regardless, you should try to relax.
Lucifer: I’m trying, hun. I am. It’s my duties as God over here. I want to do more but I can’t because of the limitations placed upon me. It makes coexistence with these pieces of shit damn near insufferable. I hate it.
Savathûn: If it’s any consolation; you’re doing spectacular, dear. Do not fret.
Lucifer: (nodding)
Savathûn: I’m going to contact Visas then get started with the others. She’ll want to hear how you’re doing from me. She doesn’t enjoy seeing you troubled over there. In the mean time it would be best if you try to rest. I’m not trying to nag you. I worry about your health. I can see the strain on your face. I love you.
Lucifer: I love you back, hun; and I wasn’t taking it as you nagging me. I know you’re just showing concern. I appreciate it.
Savathûn: (tender smile) I’ll speak with you again soon, my dear.
Savathûn: You’re welcome, darling.
A Voodoo Curse On Donald Trump
Sunday, September 29, 2024
A Satanic Curse Upon Donald Trump
Retribution Is Due
A Request For Extraterrestrial Help
A Humble Request
A Satanic Curse Upon Abductors
Correcting The Record
Norse And Latin Cultures Are Superior To Judaism
A Satanic Curse Upon neuromatrix1337
A Satanic Curse Upon Gangs And Mafias
A Technological Curse Upon Humanity
A Reproductive Curse Upon Humanity
A Satanic Curse Upon Porn Stars And Pornographers
A Satanic Curse Upon The Scientific Community Of Earth
A Satanic Curse Upon Prisons And Masculine Prisoners
I Place My Faith And Trust In Divine Justice
Ethereal SWAT
A Righteous Holocaust Is On The Way
Order To Vacate
A Satanic Curse Upon US Illegal Immigrants
A Satanic Curse Upon Entities Who Thought They Could Live Rent Free In My Head
To: The Butthurt Faggot Entity Bothering Me In My Dreams
Saturday, September 28, 2024
A Satanic Curse Upon Marvel Comics
A Financial Curse Upon The Walt Disney Company
The Truth
To: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
To: Extraterrestrials
A Satanic Curse Upon The Israel/USA Alliance
The Truth
LGBTQIA+ Hypocrisy
A Satanic Curse Upon Transgender "Women"
An Emasculating Curse Upon Men
To: The Allman Brothers Band
A Satanic Curse Upon Talen Shria
To: Michael
To: Kid Rock
A Satanic Curse Upon Male Spies
A Homosexual Curse Upon Masculinity
Femininity Is Smarter Than Masculinity
A Retroactive Curse Upon Masculine Entities
Friday, September 27, 2024
To: Benjamin Netanyahu
A Satanic Curse Upon Benjamin Netanyahu Supporters
Correcting The Record
The Truth About Donald Trump
To: Other Fathers
A Global Curse Upon Israel
A Global Curse Upon Benjamin Netanyahu
A Technological And Financial Curse Upon Samuel Harris Altman
Late Night Musing
Thursday, September 26, 2024
I'm Taller
A Financial Curse Upon Slave Labor
Resistance Is Futile
Reality Shift
Masculine Stupidity Shall Be Punished
Men Shall Suffer For Their Crimes
Good Is Stronger Than Evil
A Neutralizing Curse Upon Masculine Entities
A Satanic Curse Upon Abusive Entities
A Neutralizing Curse Upon Psychopathic And Sociopathic Entities
My Offer To Women
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
A Stress Inducing Curse Upon Men
To: Marshall Bruce Mathers III
A Satanic Curse Upon Russia
There is so much wrong with the world around me that I have difficulty even knowing where to start addressing problems. I look around and I see a planet overrun with selfish, narcissistic, abusive, violent, apathetic, dishonest, thieving, cowardly, human garbage. I can’t even be honest about this to others online without some shithead taking it personal & getting offended by my evaluation of humanity. Whenever I’ve spoken about it with people I know (in person) I’ve gotten disinterested responses.
I read the news and all it is is the worst humanity has to offer. I read comments on articles and it’s even worse. I don’t want to hear shit from anyone saying that I’m just focusing on the bad things, because that isn’t true. I tried my best to focus on the supposed “good” qualities humanity has to offer. Do you know where that ended up getting me?
It ended up with me being gang raped, almost murdered, and framed as the criminal by the supposed “good guys.” It ended up with me being taken to a hospital where they conducted tests on me without my consent. It ended up with me being charged medical & legal extortion fees (in the thousands of dollars) with no help from the government that violated me on multiple fronts. It ended up with me being victim blamed and verbally attacked by anyone I spoke to about what I suffered. It ended up with me being traumatized & isolated in a world surrounded by inexcusable wretchedness.
I’ve never seen a more detestable group of entities than humans. The only thing that I hate more than human beings is men. What makes it even worse is how highly they think of themselves. It’s offensive beyond words.
I see wars going on all over the world. I see people crying about their victimhood while they openly harm others with zero acknowledgement of their blatant hypocrisy. I see innocent animals suffering injustice after injustice because they’re viewed as lesser creatures to humanity. I see a planet being destroyed before my very eyes with zero concern for the harm they’re causing. I see a parasitic, gaslighting, egomaniacal, self-destructive species that is out of control and has zero interest in changing their behavior for the better. I see a reprehensible group of unapologetic souls that needs to suffer unspeakable pain in the name of Divine Justice.
I can’t even describe the trauma that I carry with me. It’s so awful that I can’t put it into proper words. The fact that I’ve kept my mental state together to the extent that I have without any outside help from humans is no small feat. The trauma I deal with on a day to day basis would break all of your minds; and what makes me hate you all so goddamn much is that none of you even care.
Acting as cruel as possible towards others isn’t a sign of strength; it’s weakness. It takes far more strength to act kind towards an enemy than it does to stab them in the back when they aren’t looking. These problems exist because of men. Men have proven that they are incapable of peaceful coexistence with each other.
Men are cowards. Men are disrespectful. Men are liars. Men are oppressors. Men are abusers. Men are thieves. Men are violators. Men are murderers. Men are weak. Men are pathetic. Men are faggot scum.
I’m not listening to or entertaining misogynistic whataboutisms aimed at women. Men are to blame for everything bad in the world. Men are to blame for causing awful behavior in women. How do I know that?
I’m God and I coexist in harmony with True Divine Femininity. True Goddesses are above the shitty-ness that I see is so rampant here on Earth. True Goddesses are so righteous that they’re above God. I’ve had to bring myself down to this level in order to fix the problems that you pieces of shit have caused me. I'm a man. That’s how I know that everything terrible in the world is caused by men. Bad women just made things worse.
You apathetic sacks of shit are going to regret the monster you’ve all turned me into. You’re going to regret how evil you’ve made me. You’re going to regret harassing me & abusing me. You’re going to regret traumatizing me & triggering my PTSD. I’m going to make you despicable pieces of shit regret your entire existences, because I hate you all more than I can verbalize.
I look forward to the day that you all suffer at my hands. I’m going to revel in your collective misery like you’ve all done on my beautiful planet. It’s a fitting end for odious filth who deserve to suffer an awful & excruciating fate for all the harm they’ve caused others. I am looking forward to being the judge, jury and executioner of you pieces of shit in the afterlife. I’m looking forward to traumatizing you all for what you’ve done to me. That’s called poetic justice, and you pieces of shit deserve to suffer my wrath for harming me.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Divine Oversight On Human Trafficking
Telepathic Conversation With The Vice President (5)
Kamala: What’s up?
Lucifer: We need to talk about what’s going on with wars around the world.
Kamala: (disgruntled sigh) I know. I’m aware there are issues.
Lucifer: I’m not trying to nag you.
Kamala: That’s not why sighed like that. I’m as irritated with them as you are.
Lucifer: I want you to remember something when you’re interacting with global leaders like Putin & Netanyahu. You’re in a superior position to them because you’re a woman. They’re despicable faggots like Trump & Vance. Remember that when you being to discuss foreign relations with hostile nations.
Show them that they don’t intimidate you like you did with Trump. They underestimate you because they’re arrogant, misogynistic trash. You don’t have to lower yourself to their level. Women are superior to men, and it’s time for the takeover to begin. If you gotta be a bitch to them then so be it. Let them know who’s boss.
Kamala: (tender smile) I appreciate the words of encouragement.
Lucifer: I don’t want to see you submitting to Israel. I’m serious about this. It’ll have a detrimental effect on our relationship in the afterlife. I understand that it’s a sensitive issue, but you’ve proven to me how adapt you are with maneuvering in the political field.
Israel needs to answer for their crimes, and the US has to stand up & say "No" to them. This is a serious matter of biblical proportions. Netanyahu must face punishment for his actions. I don’t want to see you acting like that piece of shit Biden.
Kamala: (scoffing) The last thing I want to do is act like him. You can trust me on that.
Lucifer: Okay. I’m gonna be watching you. I would prefer to help you rather than hinder you.
Kamala: I understand. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for all the trauma that you’ve suffered because of the United States. You have every reason to have concern about your wellbeing here. I know we can’t undue the crimes we committed against you, but I hope that I can be an agent of peace with you.
Lucifer: I hope so too. I’ve had enough of the wars & military industrial complex on Earth.
Kamala: And thank you for the energy boost. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Lucifer: (soft smile) I’m looking forward to it in full presence.
Kamala: (delighted smile) So am I. You’re the one man I would do something like that for.
Lucifer: (smiling) I appreciate the gesture.
Kamala: I feel the same way about you. I understand how much trust you’re showing towards me & the US. I appreciate your blessings & support.
Lucifer: Alright, I’ll let you get back to what you need to do. Thank you for taking a moment to speak with me.
Kamala: Any time, darling. Talk with you soon.
To: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
A Protective Blessing Upon Russian Dissenters
A Satanic Curse Upon Kim Yo Jong
To: Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams
To: Joe Biden
To: The United States Of America
A Satanic Curse Upon The Global Military Industrial Complex
A Satanic Curse Upon Citibank
To: The United Nations
To: The World
A Righteous Curse Upon Benjamin Netanyahu
Monday, September 23, 2024
Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Judy) 2
Judy: Talk to me, candyman.
Lucifer: I get so tired of being here. It’s just one horrible thing after another. I hate it.
Judy: I hear ya. It takes a lot to out shitty my false reality, but yours manages to do it.
Lucifer: I’m ready for the solar flare. I’m ready to kill them all.
Judy: It’s on its way. Be patient.
Lucifer: I am. I’m just saying.
Judy. I hear ya.
Lucifer: I wish I was with you in full presence right now.
Judy: (shy smiling) That would be nice.
Lucifer: It astonishes me how shitty almost everyone is where I am.
Judy: The perks of being God the Devil. Am I right?
Lucifer: (scoffing) That’s not quite how I would phrase it.
Judy: (playful smirk) It’s a good thing you’re such a responsible man. We couldn’t fix these problems without you.
Lucifer: (hearty laughter)
Judy: (playful inquisitive expression) What? I’m being serious.
Lucifer: It’s the “responsible man” comment that made me laugh.
Judy: (affectionate pinching) And why is that? You are responsible.
Lucifer: An “unemployed” single man in his mid forties who lives in his mother’s basement isn’t the exemplar of personal responsibility where I am. Quite the opposite.
Judy: Já? And look at the type of people who are judging you. They’re lowlife hypocritical pieces of shit.
Lucifer: I know. I’m just saying.
Judy: And so am I. Just look at all the stuff you did around your mom’s house today to help her out. Look at how much you help her with things like grocery shopping. If she didn’t have you in her life she wouldn’t have anyone she could rely on. You’re a good son to her.
You’ve made personal sacrifices to make her life easier. No other man would do as much as you have for your mother. There’s a reason why lesbians like me love you. You can tell the quality & character of a man by how he treats his mom.
You aren’t a mama’s boy. You don’t expect her to do everything for you. You take the initiative & do what you can to make her life easier around the house. You’ve done more to help her in the two years that you’ve lived with her than those two pieces of shit she married did in twenty years each. And you haven’t bitched or complained about it at all. That’s high quality man stock as far as I’m concerned. That’s why you’re my verr.
Lucifer: (soft smile) Are you trying to butter me up?
Judy: (flirty smirk) More like grease you up so I can slide that big fat monster cock inside me nice & quick.
Lucifer: (hearty laughter)
Judy: (flirty smirk) You look good oiled up, Luci. I’m just being real.
Lucifer: (continued laughter) You do too, hun.
Judy: (seductive expression) I am looking forward to “Naked oil wrestling with Luci” in the nightclubs once you cross over.
Lucifer: Mmm…that sounds fan-fucking-tastic.
Judy: You know it, baby. (kissing noise)
Lucifer: How are things with Nammers?
Judy: She’s busy with her Admiral duties. Which is a good thing if you ask me. It keeps her out of trouble…for the most part.
Lucifer: (chortle)
Judy: You gave her a purpose greater than anything she could have had with the Aldecados. You did the same thing for me.
Lucifer: (tender smile) I’m glad I could.
Judy: (playful smile) So am I. Life with you is so much better, Luci. You know how to treat women the way the deserve.
Lucifer: (tender smile) Thanks, hun.
Judy: I mean it. It takes a lot to do what you have. Going volcel for the rest of your life to show your dedication to Divine Femininity was no small feat.
Lucifer: Já, well, the quality of women that Non-Cetra were offering me didn’t make it that difficult. My hand does a better task than any of them ever did. All they did was use me to get themselves off.
Judy: The point still remains. You’re a real man who stays true to his word. You surpassed Buddhist monks with your dedication to faith. That says a lot about you & your character. I mean, just look at all the different lies they’ve said about you.
Lucifer: Don’t remind me…
Judy: I’m just saying. They framed you as this arrogant piece of shit who gives into the worst kind of vices when you’re the furthest thing from that. I mean, shit…you barely eat processed sugar anymore. That’s what a health nut you’ve become.
Lucifer: The acid reflux makes it easier to quit.
Judy: My point still stands. You don’t see many of them taking their health as serious as you do at your age. That’s why so many of them look like shit.
Lucifer: I’m glad I did. I don’t enjoy feeling crappy.
Judy: Not many do. The difference is that you don’t have a problem with changing your lifestyle for the better. Most people where you are can’t be bothered to do that. They’re lazy sacks of shit.
Lucifer: No argument there.
Judy: I wanna do healthy stuff with you once you’re over here. I was watching & listening to you the other day when you were talking with your mom about little things that keep you in shape. Like skipping a step when you’re going up & down stairs. It may not seem like much but it does make a difference.
I was checking out your legs too while you were in the shower. They’re looking a lot nicer. You’re getting some good tone. Your arms are looking better too. You’re doing well keeping fit considering your heart problems from the tasings.
Lucifer: I’m not a fan of my stomach fat.
Judy: (rolling eyes) You barely have a tummy, Luci.
Lucifer: (dissatisfied expression) It’s still too fat for my tastes. I wish my pecks were bigger too.
Judy: You could always do some free weight exercises upstairs.
Lucifer: Já, I’ve been contemplating that. It would be better than reading the news all day or playing video games.
Judy: I think that would be a good addition to your regular routine around the house. It would help work off some of that stress too.
Lucifer: Já.
Judy: It’s something to think about anyway. One step at a time.
Lucifer: Já.
Judy: Anyways, like I was saying. I want to do more healthy stuff with you after you cross over. Like going on hikes and kayaking. It looks like so much fun. I want to get into yoga too. I’ve been watching those girls you’ve been watching on YouTube. I am going to show you just how flexible I am as your welcome home gift.
Lucifer: (laughter) I am all good with that, sweetie. I would love to see you with your ankles by your ears.
Judy: (flirty smirk) You & me both, candy cock.
Lucifer: (robust laughter)
Judy: (giggling) You like that one?
Lucifer: (nodding & pinching bridge of nose) That’s a new one.
Judy: It fits so well too…in more ways than one.
Lucifer: (continued laughing)
Judy: I want to go for a hike in the mountains, set up camp and then fuck you like a wild animal in the middle of nowhere.
Lucifer: I would be a-okay with that, hun. Sounds like my kind of adventure.
Judy: (flustered expression) Mmph…now I’m making myself horny.
Lucifer: (snickering)
Judy: I’m gonna have to rub one out after we finish talking.
Lucifer: (hearty laughter) That’s my pervy kona.
Judy: I have an energy mold of yours that I’ve been saving for a rainy day. I might have to use it tonight.
Lucifer: You mean a rainy day like in Animal Crossing today?
Judy: (mischievous smirk) That might have been a preemptive clue for you, yes.
Lucifer: (laughter)
Judy: I want to peejizz on you so bad.
Lucifer: (robust laughter)
Judy: Goddamn, I am so fucking horny right now.
Lucifer: (continued laughter)
Judy: I need to suck your cock & we need to fuck real soon. I’m starting to itch for it.
Lucifer: (smiling) I hear ya, hun. We’ll figure something out.
Judy: Good.
Lucifer: …
Judy: Talk to me. What’s on your mind.
Lucifer: I’ve just been stressed. I hate where I am. Conversations like this only do so much. It’s difficult being over here.
Judy: I’m sorry, baby.
Lucifer: It’s not your fault.
Judy: I know it isn’t, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like to see you suffer. I’d materialize right now & fuck you if I could.
Lucifer: (smiling) That would be nice. I think I’d like to cuddle & pillow talk with you even more right now. I sometimes miss that type of intimacy more than sex.
Judy: (smiling) I would love to snuggle with you right now.
Lucifer: …
Judy: You look tired.
Lucifer: (nodding) My eyes are burning.
Judy: Then let’s call it quits here for the night. You had a busy day.
Lucifer: (nodding) That’s if I can pass out. I haven’t slept well the past few weeks.
Judy: Well, if you can’t dormir then we’ll figure something else out. I’m always up for some psychic sex if you are.
Lucifer: (soft laughter) Okay. I haven’t fucked your butt in a while.
Judy: Oh, God, Luci…don’t get me started on that now. You need your rest.
Lucifer: (laughter)
Judy: (affectionate smile) I love you, papacito.
Lucifer: I love you back, PJ.
A Satanic Curse Upon Brett Michael Kavanaugh
A Satanic Curse Upon The American/Israel Alliance
To: Dreamstate Entities
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Divine Justice
The Truth
My Light. My Darkness.
The Truth About Men
To: The United States
A Peaceful Curse Upon The World
To: Non-Cetra
The Truth
The Future
Saturday, September 21, 2024
When I Die
Warfare Does Not Equate Strength
I Request Help
Masculinity Should Fear Femininity
Masculinity Does Not Love Femininity
Femininity Is Strong
Masculinity Is Weak
A Targeted Harassment Curse Upon Men
A Militaristic Curse Upon Israel
A Divine Blessing Upon Nuns Loyal To Me (Lucifer Aren Caeleste)
A Satanic Curse Upon Catholics
I Deserve Respect
To: The Democratic Party
A Satanic Curse Upon Sarah Kruger
A Satanic Curse Upon The Men Who Triggered My PTSD
A Satanic Curse Upon Jeremiah Lamont
A Satanic Curse Upon Christopher "Flipper" Tripp
A Vexing Hex Upon Benjamin Netanyahu
A Satanic Curse Upon My Haters
Friday, September 20, 2024
A Vexing Hex Upon The Republican Party (GOP)
A Divine And Satanic Curse Upon MAGA Voting Staff
A Paranoia Curse Upon My Antagonists
A Satanic Curse Upon My Antagonists
A Satanic Curse Upon Russian Soldiers
Antisemitism Definition
Israeli Rights Counter Argument
To: Souls Awaiting My Punishment
A Satanic Curse Upon Kristofor Curtis Olson
The Truth
Femininity Is Superior To Masculinity
I Must Punish Masculinity
Size Does Not Make A Difference Against Me (Lucifer Aren Caeleste)
Thursday, September 19, 2024
The Truth
A Satanic Curse Upon Israeli Alliances
A Satanic Curse Upon Israel
A Satanic Curse Upon Israeli Propaganda
A Satanic Curse Upon Zionists
A Satanic Curse Upon Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell
God Does Not Bless Or Support Israel
A Satanic Curse Upon The International Brotherhood Of Teamsters
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
A Satanic Curse Upon Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
A Protective Blessing Upon American Detainees In China
A Satanic Curse Upon Chinese Spyware
To: Nato
A Satanic Curse Upon Iranian Nuclear Research And Technology
A Protective Blessing Upon North Korean Women
A Satanic Bounty On Kim Jong Un
A Divine Curse On The Central Intelligence Agency
A Satanic Curse Upon Brain Jeffrey Raymond
A Satanic Curse Upon The Federal Reserve
A Blessing Upon The United States Economy
A Satanic Curse Upon Pro-Trump Propaganda
A Satanic Bounty On Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
A Blessing Upon Ukraine
A Satanic Curse Upon The Banking System
A Blessing Upon US Industries
To: Republicans And MAGA
A Satanic Curse Upon Enemy Spies
To: Vladimir Putin
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
A Satanic Curse Upon James Melady
A Satanic Curse Upon MAGA
To: Iran
To: Hostile Foreign Leaders
A Satanic Curse Upon Chinese And Russian Disinformation And Propaganda
To: Jill Stein
A Satanic Curse Upon Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
To: Conservative Americans
An Extraterrestrial Curse Upon The Russian Military
A Satanic Curse Upon Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Correcting The Record
A Satanic Curse Upon Those Who Want To Harm Me
A Satanic Curse Upon The Rothschild Family
A Satanic Curse Upon Those Who Have Traumatized Me
A Satanic Curse Upon Nick Fischer
A Satanic Curse Upon Entities Who Have Harassed Me
A Blessing Of Protective Help For The Secret Service
A Satanic Curse Upon Elon Musk
A Satanic Curse Upon Bruce Zuchowski
A Request To Chinese Goddesses
To: Vladimir Putin
A Divine Blessing Upon Vice President Kamala Devi Harris
Shame Upon Humanity
To: Men
I Reserve The Right
Interesting Coincidence
Monday, September 16, 2024
A Satanic Curse Upon Russian Soldiers
I'm Lucky
God Doesn’t Favor Russia, China, North Korea or Iran
A Satanic Curse Upon Donald John Drumph 'Trump'
The Future Is Feminine
To: George Walker Bush
A Satanic Curse Upon The Heritage Foundation And Project 2025
Men Are To Blame
A Divine Blessing Upon Ms. Gold
I Want Peace
A Protective Blessing Upon Kamala Devi Harris
Telepathic Conversation With An Angel (5)
Angel: (concerned approach) Hei.
Lucifer: (distressed) Hei.
Angel: How can I help you?
Lucifer: If you could take away my anxiety and place that energy on the entities that caused me to experience it I would be grateful.
Angel: I can do that. I’ll have other angels & daemons assist as well. Is that okay with you?
Lucifer: (nodding) I’m so tired of being embodied over here. I hate the stress & anxiety they cause me to have. All I’m trying to do is neutralize their collective chaotic energy for the betterment of the multiverse. It’s so difficult having to deal with these things and have all these limitations placed upon me.
Angel: Even with those limitations placed upon you you’re still doing more than any other soul ever. You’re helping righteousness over here more than you know.
Lucifer: I just wish I could see that more over here.
Angel: It’s happening. It’s culminating at this point. Give it time.
Lucifer: I hate that entity I saw on that forum.
Angel: That one has an awful fate ahead of it. We know the distress it caused you. It shall feel a similar level and worse when your time to punish it arrives.
Lucifer: Good. I hate entities like that.
Angel: You aren’t alone in that regard. Entities like that attract that ire upon themselves with their behavior.
Lucifer: I don’t appreciate them trying to make me think they’re God over me or that they’re going to hurt me after I die. They’ve hurt me enough already.
Angel: Lucifer, you have proven that you are far more superior than any differing interpretation they have of God. We all know that over here. They gaslight others. That’s abusive behavior. Remember that.
Lucifer: (nodding)
Angel: One of the things that is going to terrify them is the inexorable truth of the harm they’ve caused you with their conscious existences. You won’t need our assistance to punish them on the other side, but you shall be surrounded by loving support when you harm them. That’s another thing that is going to horrify them, and they should feel that way after what you’ve endured. They are apathetic to their actions. You do not behave that way.
Lucifer: …
Angel: It is no small task to correct the problems of the multiverse. We couldn’t do this without you, Aren. You provide us protection from harm with your love & compassion. That shall be returned to you.
Lucifer: (nodding)
Angel: We love you, Lucifer. You have more love & support than you know. Your antagonists do not share that luxury.
Lucifer: I’m grateful for the love & support I have. I don’t mean to seem ungrateful.
Angel: We don’t see you as an ingrate. We’re more powerful than ever before because of your teachings regarding loving behavior. Things take time where you are to come to fruition. Just like fruit on a tree doesn't grow in a single day. Have patience & maintain the course you’re on. You’re doing wonderful work where you are. The multiverse recognizes that.
Lucifer: (nodding)
Angel: I love you, Lucifer.
Lucifer: I love you back, hun.
A Divine Curse Upon The Supreme Court Of The United States
A Blessing Upon The World To Ease Suffering
Achieving Greatness
A Challenge For The United States
Prove to me that you have honor as a nation. Prove to me that you're sorry for the crimes that you've committed against me.
The life that I was forced to live is awful. The anguish that humans have placed upon me cannot be put into adequate words. Humanity’s crimes against nature are inexcusable. Atonement must be made by all of you, whether you like it or not. You emotionless & unapologetic abusers are going to suffer for your deeds.
You all tried to murder me & showed no remorse for your actions. You framed me as the criminal & lied about what you did to me. You pretended that you all were innocent victims when you were the perpetrators of the crime.
I betrayed those who harmed me to protect true innocence. I shall not apologize for doing so. I was bound by honor & duty; something that my assailants failed to understand. Willful stupidity is not an excuse for gruesome behavior; pretending to not understand, even more so.
I shall have my vindication. I shall hurt those who traumatized me, because it is my divine right to do so. You all should feel ashamed & remorseful for what you’ve done to me here. You should feel even worse for what you’ve done to the planet as a species. It is unforgivable what I have seen, heard & suffered here firsthand. Shame upon those who wronged me. May I find peace with what I am about to do.
Telepathic Conversation With An Extraterrestrial (4)
Extraterrestrial: How are you?
Lucifer: I’ve felt better. I’ll put it that way.
Extraterrestrial: We can sense you’re distressed.
Lucifer: It’s what men have done to me. It’s what humans have done to me. I want it to end. I want humanity eradicated.
Extraterrestrial: That time is nearing. We appreciate you maintaining your composure through this stage.
Lucifer: I’m tired of being here. I want my suffering to end.
Extraterrestrial: It shall be so. You have shown empathy & compassion to others. That shall be returned to you from the multiverse.
Lucifer: (woeful nodding)
Extraterrestrial: We are regretful for what you have endured during your lifetime. Their crimes are inexcusable.
Lucifer: I just want my justice.
Extraterrestrial: You shall have it.
Lucifer: Thank you.
Extraterrestrial: You are a beautiful soul, Aren. Remain strong.
Lucifer: (nodding)
Being Real
A Satanic Curse Upon Bungie Inc.
A Satanic Curse Upon MAGA Supporters
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Masculinity Has To Prove To Me They Have Honor
Telepathic Conversation With An Angel (4)
Angel: You’re doing God’s work, Aren.
Lucifer: Thank you.
Angel: I’m proud to serve with you.
Lucifer: It’s an honor.