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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

To: Vladimir Putin

Your birth was not a miracle; quite the contrary. You've been a detriment to Russia your entire presidency. That's a fact.

My birth was a true miracle. If you want evidence of my superiority over you & your country then all you need to do is observe the Miracle on Ice at the 1980 winter Olympics. That’s real world influence that I had when I was a month old.

You're a fraud, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. You're  a liar. You're a coward. You're a thief. You're a selfish, uncaring, faggot piece of shit. You're a despicable weakling, and your character proves that to the world with your actions, time & again.

Russia would be better off with you hanging from a noose outside the Kremlin. You haven't made Russia stronger whatsoever. You've made Russia vulnerable to hostile takeover from your supposed allies with your stupid war against Ukraine.

NATO respects borders & national sovereignty. China is prepping to steal Russian land from under your nose. That’s the truth and it's easy to see. Just look at how China views Taiwan. Look at China's history of territorial expansion in Asia.

You'll be fighting a war on multiple fronts soon, Vlad. You wreak of desperation and your "allies" know it. Their "help" is like vultures picking at an animal on the brink of death to help it die faster. That’s Russia under your leadership, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

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