I was brutalized by local law enforcement officers due to a bogus wellness check that was called in. I was removed from my home by force, stipped naked, beaten to the ground, double handcuffed, beaten on the ground, tased on my spine next to my heart until the taser charge was drained, and held outside in below freezing temperatures for 45 minutes before medical staff arrived. The worst part is that I'm brushing the surface about what happened that night. You were president then, you cock sucking queer.
If anyone deserves getting beaten down by law enforcement it's you, you repugnant reprobate. I am looking forward to torturing your old, gross, apathetic, faggot ass so fucking much once we're in the afterlife it isn’t even a joke. You have serious agonizing pain headed your way, you incontinent piece of shit; and there isn’t a single soul that is going to feel sorry for you when that day arrives. You are the most detestable coward that I have ever known, Donald John Drumpf.
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