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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Telepathic Conversation With The Vice President (5)

Kamala: What’s up?

Lucifer: We need to talk about what’s going on with wars around the world.

Kamala: (disgruntled sigh) I know. I’m aware there are issues.

Lucifer: I’m not trying to nag you.

Kamala: That’s not why sighed like that. I’m as irritated with them as you are.

Lucifer: I want you to remember something when you’re interacting with global leaders like Putin & Netanyahu. You’re in a superior position to them because you’re a woman. They’re despicable faggots like Trump & Vance. Remember that when you being to discuss foreign relations with hostile nations.

Show them that they don’t intimidate you like you did with Trump. They underestimate you because they’re arrogant, misogynistic trash. You don’t have to lower yourself to their level. Women are superior to men, and it’s time for the takeover to begin. If you gotta be a bitch to them then so be it. Let them know who’s boss.

Kamala: (tender smile) I appreciate the words of encouragement.

Lucifer: I don’t want to see you submitting to Israel. I’m serious about this. It’ll have a detrimental effect on our relationship in the afterlife. I understand that it’s a sensitive issue, but you’ve proven to me how adapt you are with maneuvering in the political field.

Israel needs to answer for their crimes, and the US has to stand up & say "No" to them. This is a serious matter of biblical proportions. Netanyahu must face punishment for his actions. I don’t want to see you acting like that piece of shit Biden.

Kamala: (scoffing) The last thing I want to do is act like him. You can trust me on that.

Lucifer: Okay. I’m gonna be watching you. I would prefer to help you rather than hinder you.

Kamala: I understand. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for all the trauma that you’ve suffered because of the United States. You have every reason to have concern about your wellbeing here. I know we can’t undue the crimes we committed against you, but I hope that I can be an agent of peace with you.

Lucifer: I hope so too. I’ve had enough of the wars & military industrial complex on Earth.

Kamala: And thank you for the energy boost. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Lucifer: (soft smile) I’m looking forward to it in full presence.

Kamala: (delighted smile) So am I. You’re the one man I would do something like that for.

Lucifer: (smiling) I appreciate the gesture.

Kamala: I feel the same way about you. I understand how much trust you’re showing towards me & the US. I appreciate your blessings & support.

Lucifer: Alright, I’ll let you get back to what you need to do. Thank you for taking a moment to speak with me.

Kamala: Any time, darling. Talk with you soon.

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