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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Truth About Men

All men (excluding myself) are homosexual parasites. They prove it time & again with their disrespectful & atrocious behavior. Disagreeing and/or arguing with me won't change the truth. Men who claim they’re heterosexuals are liars pretending to play it straight with women who are unworthy of me. Those with "families" are feeding their parasitical turd children my energy in order to propagate their lie, because that's how parasites operate. I know because I'm a scientist.

You selfish pieces of shit don’t fool me. I see you all for what you are. You're parasites masquerading as human beings trespassing on my territory, and you've taken advantage of my kindness & hospitality for far too long. This shall soon come to an end. The dog is aware it has fleas. The planet is aware that there are humans causing problems. God knows what you all are and he is furious with you for what you've done as a group.

My energy (that you've all consumed in one way or another) is malignant & detrimental towards those whom I deem deserving. Get ready to experience indescribable pain for the harm you've all caused me because it is on its way. That's karma; and you lying, thieving, destructive pieces of shit deserve to suffer. This is your collective reward for gang raping me & calling me a faggot; and it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of weak, pathetic, lowlife scum.

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