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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


There is so much wrong with the world around me that I have difficulty even knowing where to start addressing problems. I look around and I see a planet overrun with selfish, narcissistic, abusive, violent, apathetic, dishonest, thieving, cowardly, human garbage. I can’t even be honest about this to others online without some shithead taking it personal & getting offended by my evaluation of humanity. Whenever I’ve spoken about it with people I know (in person) I’ve gotten disinterested responses.

I read the news and all it is is the worst humanity has to offer. I read comments on articles and it’s even worse. I don’t want to hear shit from anyone saying that I’m just focusing on the bad things, because that isn’t true. I tried my best to focus on the supposed “good” qualities humanity has to offer. Do you know where that ended up getting me?

It ended up with me being gang raped, almost murdered, and framed as the criminal by the supposed “good guys.” It ended up with me being taken to a hospital where they conducted tests on me without my consent. It ended up with me being charged medical & legal extortion fees (in the thousands of dollars) with no help from the government that violated me on multiple fronts. It ended up with me being victim blamed and verbally attacked by anyone I spoke to about what I suffered. It ended up with me being traumatized & isolated in a world surrounded by inexcusable wretchedness.

I’ve never seen a more detestable group of entities than humans. The only thing that I hate more than human beings is men. What makes it even worse is how highly they think of themselves. It’s offensive beyond words.

I see wars going on all over the world. I see people crying about their victimhood while they openly harm others with zero acknowledgement of their blatant hypocrisy. I see innocent animals suffering injustice after injustice because they’re viewed as lesser creatures to humanity. I see a planet being destroyed before my very eyes with zero concern for the harm they’re causing. I see a parasitic, gaslighting, egomaniacal, self-destructive species that is out of control and has zero interest in changing their behavior for the better. I see a reprehensible group of unapologetic souls that needs to suffer unspeakable pain in the name of Divine Justice.

I can’t even describe the trauma that I carry with me. It’s so awful that I can’t put it into proper words. The fact that I’ve kept my mental state together to the extent that I have without any outside help from humans is no small feat. The trauma I deal with on a day to day basis would break all of your minds; and what makes me hate you all so goddamn much is that none of you even care.

Acting as cruel as possible towards others isn’t a sign of strength; it’s weakness. It takes far more strength to act kind towards an enemy than it does to stab them in the back when they aren’t looking. These problems exist because of men. Men have proven that they are incapable of peaceful coexistence with each other.

Men are cowards. Men are disrespectful. Men are liars. Men are oppressors. Men are abusers. Men are thieves. Men are violators. Men are murderers. Men are weak. Men are pathetic. Men are faggot scum.

I’m not listening to or entertaining misogynistic whataboutisms aimed at women. Men are to blame for everything bad in the world. Men are to blame for causing awful behavior in women. How do I know that?

I’m God and I coexist in harmony with True Divine Femininity. True Goddesses are above the shitty-ness that I see is so rampant here on Earth. True Goddesses are so righteous that they’re above God. I’ve had to bring myself down to this level in order to fix the problems that you pieces of shit have caused me. I'm a man. That’s how I know that everything terrible in the world is caused by men. Bad women just made things worse.

You apathetic sacks of shit are going to regret the monster you’ve all turned me into. You’re going to regret how evil you’ve made me. You’re going to regret harassing me & abusing me. You’re going to regret traumatizing me & triggering my PTSD. I’m going to make you despicable pieces of shit regret your entire existences, because I hate you all more than I can verbalize.

I look forward to the day that you all suffer at my hands. I’m going to revel in your collective misery like you’ve all done on my beautiful planet. It’s a fitting end for odious filth who deserve to suffer an awful & excruciating fate for all the harm they’ve caused others. I am looking forward to being the judge, jury and executioner of you pieces of shit in the afterlife. I’m looking forward to traumatizing you all for what you’ve done to me. That’s called poetic justice, and you pieces of shit deserve to suffer my wrath for harming me.

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