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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

To: Vladimir Putin

Lying about your troop numbers isn't going to help you against NATO & God, you stupid Russki sack of shit. I'm well aware that you're a Russian puppet, Putin. I know disinformation propaganda & psychological manipulation too. You ain't stealing my identity as the Devil from me and this sure as shit ain't a board game of RISK. If you think it is then you're in even bigger trouble, KGB boi. That 2.4 million you're lying about is more like 2 and a half men, only faggier.

You've spent 2 years getting your ass kicked by a smaller country in an unfair fight that you started, Vlad. Your faggot ass is in serious deep shit for the harm that you've caused Russia. I've got a way bigger book headed your way, and it's the real deal. Vlad is gonna get impaled by Lucifer’s Righteous Cock of Retribution. Internal ass to mouth so you can taste your own gross shit on the back of your tongue.

You're a sub bottom pretending he's a power top, Vlad. You kissed Donald Trump's ass with a smile on your face. That isn’t manly. I know all about you closeted homosexual Christian men. You raped me as a group.

I want peace. I'm tired of men like you causing problems on my planet. Also, I finger fucked your spy, so I know you're even weaker than you appear to me because you didn't get any of my man sauce through those means. I've given that to true Russian femininity in the ethereal realms because I love & care about Russian women; something you're incapable of. You're going to suffer the wrath of God for the war crimes you have committed. You're a faggot parasite, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; and the world knows it.

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