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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Monday, December 30, 2024

Men Are Faggot Trash

I hate you cocksucking pieces of shit so goddamn much it makes me want to scream.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Truth

All the problems in the world have been caused by men (masculinity), especially you faggot trash pretending that you're straight. Men are to blame for everything unpleasant that humanity has done as a species.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Telepathic Conversation With An Extraterrestrial (6)

Extraterrestrial Overseer: How are you feeling?

Lucifer Caeleste: Weary. I’m so tired of being embodied here. I can’t put into words how much I hate masculinity or all those shitheads I see on the internet.

EO: Would you like assistance with your breathing?

LC: Yes. I don’t like having to resort to taking pills.

EO: We can help you with that.

LC: I would be very grateful.

EO: It’s not a problem.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

2 Faggot Assed Bitches

You 2 niggers are in so much goddamn trouble when I get my hands on your faggot asses in the afterlife.

A Malignant Curse Upon Sewell Setzer III

Your little faggot ass is in seriously deep shit, boi. Killing yourself is just the beginning.

Making A Point

I told my mother the night of the election that Drumpf cheated his way back to the presidency. This comment gives me more reason to trust my initial suspicions.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

To: Women

You're gonna have serious problems in the afterlife if you have any masculine entities near you right now. That includes more than the material realm. I'm not playing that shit with angles, saints, spirit guides or any supposed "deities." Men crossed a serious line when they gang raped & tried to murder me.

Masculinity is going to suffer for what they did to me as a collective. Women who supported other men rather than side with me are going to suffer too. Divine Femininity knows which of you are liars & users, and they have no problems cock blocking you cunts for all eternity.

If you want a serious opportunity with me in the afterlife then you better get your act together now because time is running out. Femininity is the future. Time to kick all those faggot orbiters y'all have used to the curb because you won't get far on the other side with me. I have no desire to coexist with other masculine entities after my lifetime on Earth. (I have no desire to coexist with other men now. I'm tolerating it as best as I can at the moment.)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

To: Non-Cetra Women

If you want a good seat in the afterlife y'all better stop collaborating with other men. Every time I hear one of you bitches start a video addressing "guys" it causes you to lose serious status points. I'm not fucking around with faggot wranglers who use social media for financial gain. I don’t play that shit. Y'all want to get treated good in the afterlife and live in eternal luxury? Then show some goddamn respect for me and stop taking advantage of men who are pretending they're straight.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Two Limp Wristed Faggots

I am looking forward to toppling both of you faggot pieces of shit.

A Malignant Curse Upon Texans

You arrogant sacks of shit ain't as tough as you think. Case in point, you retards re-elected Ted Cruz to represent you.

A Protective Blessing Upon Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A little extra protection won't hurt you, dear.

Telepathic Conversation With An Outlaw (Kay Vess)

Kay: As you can see, you aren’t alone when it comes to identity theft.

Aren: She posted that video six hours ago.

Kay: Yup. That’s the type of “people” you’ve been combatting, while being at a severe disadvantage where you are. Calling them scoundrels is being nice.

Aren: (shaking head with resentment) I’m glad that I have women like you on my side. I needed the help.

Kay: (smiling) And I’m glad that I have a man like you on my side. I can now say with certainty that you never abandoned me. You’re such a loyal Trooper.

Aren: (chortle)

Kay: So that Imperial dressed in black that I saw with Sliro was a Sith Lord?

Aren: (nodding) Já. His Sith name was Darth Vader.

Kay: His “Sith name?”

Aren: (nodding) Most Sith Lords took on different names than they were given at birth. Vader’s birth name was Anakin Skywalker.

Kay: And you were a Sith Lord like him at one time?

Aren: I wouldn’t say I was like him.

Kay: (mild annoyance) I mean you were a villain.

Aren: Já. About 4000 years before your story takes place.

Kay: Why were you evil?

Aren: I wasn’t always evil. It happened over time.

Kay: Why? What happened?

Aren: Men and their shitty behavior happened. It’s not too dissimilar to what’s happened to me during my lifetime on Earth. It’s why I have a problem with all other masculine entities.

Kay: What was your Sith name?

Aren: Darth Revan.

Kay: What was your birth name before you became a Sith?

Aren: Revan.

Kay: (laughter) You didn’t choose a different name?

Aren: (shaking head) I had my own code when it pertained to the Jedi & Sith. Both of their teachings were flawed.

Kay: It’s so interesting having a conversation with you like this. You just finished my story in Outlaws, and I’ve already grown so much over here thanks to you.

Aren: That’s because you’re Force attuned. I can take you on as an apprentice after I crossover, if you’d like.

Kay: (excitement) You’d do that for me?

Aren: (smiling) I mean…já. If you’re gonna reach Dróttning status you’ll want to familiarize yourself with those types of powers.

Kay: (beaming) That would be amazing!

Aren: (snickering) I’m looking forward to getting my powers back. Being limited during my lifetime here hasn’t been fun.

Kay: (scoff) You’re telling me.

Aren: (smiling)

Kay: I’ll be keeping an eye on you from over here. I know a safe bet when I see one.

Aren: (soft laughter) Thanks for the vote of confidence, hun.

Kay: It’s important.

Aren: You’re right.

Kay: I’ll let you get some rest so you can get your schedule back to normal.

Aren: Thanks, dear.

Kay: (blushing) Not gonna lie. I could get used to the pet names with you.

Aren: (chivalrous grin)

Kay: I’ll talk with you later. I know where to find you.

Aren: Sounds good, hun.

Kay: Oh! One more thing before I go. I love your sense of fashion.

Aren: (mirthful laughter) Thanks, darling.

Friday, December 13, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon The U.S. Food And Drug Administration

I hate you pieces of shit so goddamn much I can't put it into proper words. I'm looking forward to torturing you human garbage in the afterlife. The FDA is one government agency that Drumpf could completely abolish and I wouldn’t lose an once of sleep.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Truth

My spirituality is superior to all other forms, especially Judaism.

The Truth

God didn't command angels to worship men. That’s a lie created by men, and it is worthy of serious punishment.

The Truth

I can eradicate humanity without using weapons of war. You pieces of shit are going to regret abusing me.

A Malignant Curse Upon Entities Who Bother Me

This curse targets & affects/effects those who bother me (especially masculine entities).

I Am Taking Control

You thieving liars are going to suffer for what you've done to me and my creation. You're going to suffer even more for gaslighting and attempting to deceive me during my mortal lifetime. I have true divine oversight and my intentions are pure. I am taking back control over my creation, and I am going to punish those of you who deserve to suffer my wrath; starting with all you faggot trash pretending that you're straight.

Showing Gratitude

I am grateful to Divine Femininity for more reasons than I can list here. Thank you for helping me.

A Malignant Curse Upon All Gary Stu(s)

That narrative shit about Gary Stu(s) doesn’t work against me. You're all less impressive than Gary Allen McGuire and the Stu last name is shorthand for Stupid.

A Malignant Curse Upon Malicious Entities

This curse targets & affects/effects entities (especially masculine entities) who would harm me or anyone aligned with me.

You pieces of shit are going to suffer for what you've done. You should be terrified at how angry you've made me. I am not alone, and I have others on my side who are even more furious at you cowardly weaklings than I am. I'm behaving myself right now. When I decide to turn evil you reprobates are in serious trouble.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Legitimate Question

Here's a question for all you kike worshipping pieces of shit who assert that Israel is America's greatest ally.

What does Israel contribute to an international relationship that's worth anything?

Don't give me the "strategic location" in the Middle East nonsensical response. Geographic location isn't enough to justify this false claim made by Zionists or their sycophants.

Israel is a parasitic state. Always has been; always will be. That’s how Jews have always operated. All they do is cause problems for others. That hasn’t changed since they began lying about being God's "chosen people." Just think about how offensive that would be if any other group made that statement & asserted it as fact over others.

Jews don’t contribute anything worthwhile to existence. They are unapologetic racists, misogynists, liars, thieves, murderers & hypocrites. Jews are reprobates; just like the rest of you. Any statement that Israel is America's "greatest ally" is a blatant lie & gaslighting. I say that as an unbiased & neutral observer.

A Malignant Curse Upon Gary Allen McGuire

Your scrawny, dog dick sucking, faggot ass is in for one awful eternity, you despicable piece of shit.

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Oola)

Oola: Thank you for giving me another chance with you.

Revan: Not a problem, darling.

Oola: I never should have trusted Bib. I should have listened to you when I had the opportunity.

Revan: Making mistakes is a part of mortality. You learned that lesson the hard way.

Oola: (flirty expression) If you would have taken your mask off when we spoke I might have accepted your offer to escape with you.

Revan: (smiling) That would have defeated the purpose of what I was trying to do. I would have influenced your decision based on surface level urges rather than unbiased reasoning.

Oola: (flirty frowning) I would have been okay with that.

Revan: (laughter) Well, the good news is you have an actual future with me now.

Oola: (beaming)

Revan: (smiling)

Oola: (gentle caressing) I love the way you touch me with your mind. I love how you look at me.

Revan: (tender smile) Same.

Oola: How about I make up for turning you down the last time we spoke?

Revan: What did you have in mind?

Oola: (seductive smirk) Something that I would never do with Jabba.

Revan: (snickering) You’re on.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

A Parasitical Curse Upon The Drumpf Crime Family

That seems fitting for you freeloading, criminal pieces of shit to suffer.

Putin Wants Dirty Diaper Don

So much that he can almost taste it. Men are despicable pieces of shit.

A Malignant Curse Upon Jupiter, Neptune And Pluto

You three faggots are going to regret gang raping and trying to murder me. There are numerous souls who want to hurt you cowards.

A Malignant Curse Upon Jason Eric Fish

We'll see how funny you think it is when the joke is on you. You're in for a very bad reality check, faggot.

A Malignant Curse Upon Randy David Fish

You're going to regret what you did & tried to do to me, faggot. So is your baby murdering beard.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Joe Rogan Is A Piece Of Shit

You endorsed him because you’re a disingenuous, misogynistic, cocksucker, Joe.  Plain & simple.

Showing Gratitude

To: Those who help me,

Thank you for your tireless efforts to assist me with my endeavors. You ease my burden and for that I am grateful beyond words.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Benezia)

Benezia: At last our minds touch once again.

Aren: (tender smile) I’ve missed you, darling.

Benezia: (adoring expression) Observing you but not speaking with you for that duration was the most difficult thing that I have ever had to endure.

Aren: I don’t remember that crap about Liara’s “father” from Mass Effect 3, but it’s been over a decade since I played it.

Benezia: What else do you expect from a company like EA?

Aren: Fair point.

Benezia: I promise you that Aethyta is not her “father.” The same goes with her having any krogan lineage. Bioware did that on purpose because she was destined to bear your daughters as a pure blood Asari Goddess. It's no different than the lies they've told about you.

Aren: I’ve had more than enough of those reprobates.

Benezia: You aren’t alone there, my love. Look at how they've spelled my daughter’s name in English, or how Bioware spelled mine with a B rather than a V. More contemptible acts on their part to slander & deceive.

Aren: (shaking head with disdain)

Benezia: It is no small effort to undue their lies. I admire your resolve.

Aren: I have multiple reasons for it. Vengeance is a big one.

Benezia: I stand with you in that regard too.

Aren: How are you feeling, dear?

Benezia: Much better after feasting on your offering to me. Thank you, darling.

Aren: (soft smile) You’re welcome.

Benezia: But I should be the one asking how you're doing.

Aren: I’m okay. I’m helping out a maiden from the Star Wars universe right now.

Benezia: (smiling) And how has that gone so far?

Aren: Alright, for the most part. I need some outlaws on my side to counteract those pieces of shit.

Benezia: You’re correct about that. The Asari can assist you in those affairs as well.

Aren: I’d appreciate that.

Benezia: I’ll contact the other matriarchs on your behalf.

Aren: I’d appreciate that as well, darling.

Benezia: (affectionate smile) I’m so elated to have you back in my life.

Aren: (affectionate smile) Same.

Benezia: It’s going to be so much better once you’re over here again.

Aren: I’m looking forward to that. It hasn’t been easy over here.

Benezia: I am well aware of that.

Aren: I’m also looking forward to planting my face smack dab in the middle of those huge tits of yours when I see you.

Benezia: (delighted laughter) It sounds like you need some matriarchal nursing.

Aren: (chivalrous grin) Like I cannot begin to explain.

Benezia: (blushing & beaming) There’s no need to, darling. I can read your mind, after all.

Aren: (snickering)

Benezia: (mirthful laughter)

Aren: I love you, Benezia.

Benezia: And I love you, Aren.

The Truth

Men are going to regret everything they did and tried to do to me (Lucifer Aren Caeleste).

To: Non-Cetra Women Who Insulted Me

Since I wasn't good enough for any of you stuck up cunts during my mortal lifetime, let's see how much you like me when I turn into a mean spirited bad boy on your asses in the afterlife.

A Malignant Curse Upon Donald Drumpf, MAGA And The Republican Party

May you lying, thieving, backstabbing cowards undermine each other every step of the way with your conspiracies, hatred, selfishness and lust for power.

The Truth

I am better than Jesus. I prove it every day with my actions as well as my words.

The Truth

The Abrahamic death cults do not have a monopoly on deciding who is God. I have a serious say in deciding who I am from what has been said about me.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel

Karma is going to hunt your Drumpf loving ass down, faggot.

A Malignant Curse Upon Israel

You kikes belong to me as my property to do whatever I want to them. I am going to punish you reprobates for your abhorrent behavior. October 7th is going to look like a walk in the park when I destroy Israel.

A Malignant Curse Upon 311

You faggots are in serious deep shit.

A Destructive Curse Upon Donald John Drumpf, MAGA And The Republican Party

You reprobates shall reap what you sow.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Yule 2024

Snow Owl

Celtic Knot

Tree of Life



Faerie & Hummingbird


I'm looking forward to spending this holiday with my clan in the afterlife.

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Zelda)

Zelda: Finally! I’ve been waiting to commune with you like this.

Lucifer: My apologies, darling.

Zelda: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. How are you doing?

Lucifer: I’m okay, for the most part. How are you?

Zelda: Pretty much the same as you. I like the picture you chose of me for our conversation.

Lucifer: [sarcasm] Já, I don’t think there was enough fan art of you and Link together.

Zelda: (rolling eyes) Tell me about it. How many “games” did Link fail to protect me then “saved” me? That’s one of the reasons why I’m glad we broke the fourth wall with each other. You gave me an opportunity empower myself so I wouldn’t need a savior. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that.

Lucifer: I’m glad I could provide you with the opportunity to better yourself. A pretty girl like you needs to be as powerful as possible to defend herself from potential assaulters. The realm I’m embodied in is no laughing matter.

Zelda: You’re right about that. It disgusts me how cowardly men are. The more violent they are the bigger the cowards they are. I appreciate you teaching me about prison culture. Where you are is horrible.

Lucifer: You’re telling me. I hate it here.

Zelda: I can understand why. There’s more than one reason why elves distanced themselves from humans. They don’t live in harmony with nature.

Lucifer: They don’t live in harmony with anything. They’re destructive parasites. I miss being in my fae form.

Zelda: (flirty smile) You’re so much cuter with your pixie ears.

Lucifer: (chortle)

Zelda: (smiling) By the way, thank you for being so cool with me. It hasn’t been easy seeing all the crap they’ve done with my image where you are.

Lucifer: (nodding) You don’t have to thank me, hun. I get it. They’ve defamed me more than anyone.

Zelda: It’s so infuriating.

Lucifer: Don’t I know it.

Zelda: I gotta say, I’m looking forward to embodying my evil side. I’ve had enough of people where you are. I’ve also had enough of others like Ganon. It’s about time that he suffers from my wickedness. Same goes for those pieces of shit at Nintendo.

Lucifer: I’m looking forward to watching you punish them.

Zelda: I’m not gonna be kind to them. That’s for sure.

Lucifer: They don’t deserve you being kind to them.

Zelda: I agree. You, on the other hand, do, Mr. Caeleste.

Lucifer: (tender smile) I appreciate that, darling.

Zelda: (affectionate expression) And I appreciate you doing the same for me. You showed me that the difference between good & evil isn’t always so black & white. I look at all the awful lies they’ve told about you; all the different ways they’ve slandered you; all the ways they’ve hurt you and you’re the kindest, most compassionate man that I’ve ever encountered.

Lucifer: They have a saying here, “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Zelda: That’s disgusting.

Lucifer: (nodding) I agree. What makes it worse is that it’s often said in sarcastic jest.

Zelda: (shaking head) There’s so much that’s wrong with where you are.

Lucifer: (pensiveness) Yup.

Zelda: I just want to say…I’m honored that you’re speaking with me like this tonight considering what happened to you.

Lucifer: (smiling) I’m honored to be speaking with you as well, hun. I wouldn’t have imagined this was possible back then.

Zelda: She was so horrible to you. It makes me cry when I see how she abused you.

Lucifer: …

Zelda: I’m sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable.

Lucifer: (shaking head) That’s not it, hun. I don’t have much to say about it and I’m kind of tired.

Zelda: We can stop the conversation here if you’d like. I didn’t mean to keep you up so late.

Lucifer: No, it’s okay, hun. You aren’t keeping me up.

Zelda: How about I try to cheer you up before you slumber?

Lucifer: What do you have in mind?

Zelda: (smiling) Publish this first then I’ll tell you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon Ronald D. Yandell

Your faggot ass ain't tough, Ron. You're going to discover that even more so in the afterlife. 

A Biological Curse Upon Peter Brian Hegseth

Just because your stupid faggot ass asserts that germs don't exist (when they do) does not protect you from them. What you can't see can hurt you in a very bigly way, Pete. By the way, the fact that you don’t wash your hands is a testament to what a gross sack of shit you are, Christian boi.

A Thanksgiving Day Curse Upon United States Military Personnel

I would thank you stupid pieces of shit for your service, however I hate you weak & pathetic cowards with a passion.

A Thanksgiving Day Curse Upon The United States Of America

Consider this payback for the US military trying to make me commit suicide by proxy of Kathryn Ann Stevens Saizan.

A Malignant Curse Upon Homo Sapiens

I have no shortages of evil entities on my side who would love to harm anyone I think deserves to suffer. They have less respect for you parasitical selfish pieces of shit, and your boundaries, than I do. Homo sapiens are in serious trouble.

A Malignant Curse Upon Solveig Kristina McGuire Lubinski And Mallory Ann McGuire Diercks

You two rancid cunts played just as much of a part in me trying to kill myself sixteen years ago as Katie did. All that nasty energy you placed on me is going back on both of you possessive misandrists where it belongs.

A Malignant Curse Upon Kathryn Ann Stevens

Sixteen years ago, on the evening before Thanksgiving, I tried committing suicide because of your lies, cheating and gaslighting. You went out of your way to hurt me when there was no reason for it, you rancid cunt. All the different ways that you harmed me are going back on you, whore.

A Malignant Curse Upon Donna Jean Sweazey Rekstad

If your parasitical, dead, old, gross ass thinks things in the afterlife are bad now then you're in for an awful reality check when I get my hands on you, "grandma." Payback is on the way, Donna.

A Malignant Curse Upon Those Who Have Wronged Me

You pieces of shit are going to get back every bit of harmful energy that you gave out to me.

Monday, November 25, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon Denis Humberto Naverrette Romero

Your mangina & faggot ass are not going to enjoy what kind of punishment I have in mind for you, spic.

The Truth

Donald Trump isn't pure evil. He's a corrupt piece of shit. There's a big difference between the two. I know, because I am pure evil.

Telepathic Conversation With A Shrine Maiden

Momiji: (satisfied moan) Thank you, Luci. That was just what I needed.

Lucifer: (tender smile & caressing) You’re welcome, darling. I needed that just as much as you.

Momiji: I can feel your energy mixing with mine. The sensation is unlike anything else. It’s so wonderful. I wouldn’t have guessed pure evil would feel so good inside me. I love bonding with you.

Lucifer: (affectionate expression) I feel the same way, darling. Your purity soothes my spirit in ways I can’t explain.

Momiji: (smiling) I feel the exact same way when I’m with you.

Lucifer: (silent admiration)

Momiji: (blushing) I always feel so much better after spending time with you. I love the way you empower me.

Lucifer: (tender smile) I’m honored you chose me, Momiji.

Momiji: (caressing & kissing) I love you.

Lucifer: (cradling & kissing) I love you back, hun.

The Truth

My relationship with femininity is symbiotic. I am too alluring for feminine parasites to resist me as a potential parter. I know this because I've dated several of them throughout my lifetime. Even shitty feminine entities love me at one point or another.

A Malignant Curse Upon Parasites

I identify & exterminate them on all levels of existence. I am a superior adversary to parasites because I am a symbiote. I can mimic their deceptive & destructive behavior in order to fool & slaughter them with ease. They find me repulsive & detrimental after an extended amount of time. I am a parasite's most dangerous enemy and I know it.

Telepathic Conversation With My Betrothed (Arla)

Valkyrie: Hei, Luci.

Lucifer: (discontented) Hei, Arla.

Arla: (concerned expression) What’s wrong?

Lucifer: I hate of being over here. I know I say that all the time but it’s true. I’m tired of being surrounded by these reprobates. I’m tired of these selfish pieces of shit doing things that I should be doing like getting married and raising children. I’m tired of these misogynistic cock sucking faggots acting like they’re straight while they do everything they can to oppress women. I’m tired of reading comments from both men and women talking about their wives, husbands, children, families, et cetera.

Arla: You know they’re miserable, right? They’re liars & frauds. It’s all an act with them. They pretend their lives are great to make other people jealous. It’s gaslighting. You’ve seen how they are with each other, firsthand. You know how fake they are on social media. It’s a false reality.

Lucifer: It doesn’t change the fact that I’m pretty much alone over here. I have to resort to conversations like this. It’s shitty.

Arla: I know it is, vennen.

Lucifer: (disgruntled sigh)

Arla: Try to look on the bright side. As crappy as things are for you, it’s temporary. They’re gonna be even more miserable than they already are now and that’s going to last forever.

Lucifer: That doesn’t change the fact that I’d rather be having this conversation with you in full presence where all my senses could perceive you. I get tired of having to have conversations like this. I just want things to end here.

Arla: It’s getting there, Luci. I promise you that.

Lucifer: I hate them so much.

Arla: You aren’t alone there, beibi. I resent them just as much as you do.

Lucifer: …

Arla: You don’t think that I’d rather be laying in bed with you right now in full presence?

Lucifer: I didn’t say that.

Arla: I know, but I’m making a point. I want what you want just as much as you do. I want to be with you. I want to get married & start a skuldalið with you. Instead, I’m having to watch you suffer from over here because those selfish pieces of shit refused to behave themselves. I’m just as angry at them as you are.

You have no idea how many Goddesses share my sentiments, but let me tell you, we far outnumber them. They’re the true minority in the grand scheme of things.They’re going to regret all the things that they’ve done to oppress others. They’re going to regret all the things they’ve said. They’re going to regret their entire existences. There isn’t anything that they can do to change their fates for the better.

Their stupidity & abhorrent behavior has damned them to suffer a fate so horrible that it can’t be described with words. It’s worse than Hell. That’s how awful their eternity is waiting for them. Count yourself lucky, Luci.

Lucifer: I do. I don’t mean it to sound like I’m ungrateful. I just get tired of being over here with them.

Arla: I understand, hun. I’m just trying to cheer you up.

Lucifer: I appreciate that, darling.

Arla: Divine Femininity has big plans for you, Aren. We’re just getting started. You laid down the foundation for femininity to create without constraints. It’s going to amaze you when you see what we’ve done during your lifetime in Midgard.

Lucifer: That’s one of the things that makes it difficult for me being over here.

Arla: (tender smile) Trust me, I get it. I’d rather you were over here with me so I could show you all the wonderful things that Valkyries have created just for you.

Lucifer: (dejected sigh)

Arla: (concerned look) Did I make things worse saying that?

Lucifer: (shaking head) No. It just makes me wish I was over there now is all.

Arla: You prove what a strong man you are the way you remain patient.

Lucifer: It doesn’t feel that way sometimes.

Arla: Look at how they behave. They have little to no impulse control. Almost all of them have no patience whatsoever. All they think about is their immediate gratification and they don’t care at whose expense.

Lucifer: Those are all things that I hate about them.

Arla: Again, you aren’t alone there, Luci. Divine Femininity is just as disgusted with them as you are. We’ve been waiting since before the Big Bang to have our moment with you. You want to talk about having patience?

Lucifer: (chortle) Okay, hun. Point made.

Arla: (smiling) Things are going to get so much better for you, Luci. I promise.

Lucifer: (nodding)

Arla: Stay strong. Okay?

Lucifer: Okay.

Arla: (affectionate expression) I love you, Aren.

Lucifer: (soft smile) I love you back, hun.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

MAGA Forumite Faggot Trash

Real evidence regarding how you despicable, criminal worshipping, gaslighting, disrespectful, misogynistic, cocksucking, lying, reprobates treat women.

A Malignant Curse Upon Alphabet Inc.

You moneygrubbing pieces of shit are going to suffer for your disgusting level of greed & corruption.

A Malignant Curse Upon OK Go

You no talent, faggot trash are going to regret writing that shitty music of yours. Your band name is retarded too.

A Malignant Curse Upon Women In "Relationships" With Other Men

You disloyal cunts are going to suffer for disrespecting me and siding with other men.

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Savathûn) 6

Savathûn: And how is my little light doing this evening?

Lucifer: (squinting eyes)

Savathûn: (robust laughter)

Lucifer: (continued squinting) “Little,” huh?

Savathûn: (playful smiling) To be fair, darling, I’m over three times your height with you in your current state.

Lucifer: (continued squinting) Mmhmm…

Savathûn: (mirthful laughter)

Lucifer: I’ll have you know that I’ve climbed a shaky twenty foot ladder doing contractor work.

Savathûn: (smiling) You could have kissed me had I been there with you.

Lucifer: (smirking) Someone is in a good mood this evening.

Savathûn: (beaming) It’s my love & admiration for you, darling. I love playing games with you.

Lucifer: (smirking) Mind explaining what kind of “games” you like playing with me, Savvy?

Savathûn: (mirthful laughter) Are you turning into the word police now?

Lucifer: (mischievous expression) It’s possible. I might need to apprehend you and bring you in for further questioning.

Savathûn: (playful arousal) Ooh, now that sounds like a game I might enjoy playing with you. Are you going to be a good cop or bad cop?

Lucifer: (devilish laughter) A bit of both.

Savathûn: (guffawing)

Lucifer: (silent admiration)

Savathûn: (smiling) In all honesty, I’m in high spirits from you spending extra time in my throne world this evening. Standing on top of my head and playing drum & bass music put me in a “gud” mood. I wasn’t expecting that.

Lucifer: (smiling) I’m glad to know that I’m gud for something.

Savathûn: (beaming) You are gud for many things, darling.

Lucifer: (smiling)

Savathûn: How’s your libido this evening, dear?

Lucifer: (laughter) Why? Are you in the mood?

Savathûn: (flirty smirk) I just might be, thanks to you.

Lucifer: I’m not super horned out at the moment. I pulled a back muscle this evening overexerting myself. I was already sore to begin with, and that made it worse, so it’s kinda put a damper on things.

Savathûn: (mischievous smile) Not to worry. I’ll get you when the time is right.

Lucifer: (hearty laughter) You always do.

Savathûn: (smiling) Maybe if I twerk at you it might change your mind.

Lucifer: (chortling & pinching bridge of nose) Oh, Goddess…

Savathûn: (robust laughter) I’m an observant wife, darling. I see what’s in your viewing history.

Lucifer: (snickering) I can’t help it. They pop up in my suggestions and I just…I can’t help it.

Savathûn: (mirthful laughter) I’m not judging you, dear. I’m taking notes, is all.

Lucifer: (chivalrous grin) If you want to shake that butt of yours at me then I am not going to say no, Savvy. Be warned though, you might end up with my face lodged between those sweet cheeks of yours.

Savathûn: (robust laughter) Wouldn’t that be a sight to behold! The Devil’s face buried deep in my hindquarters.

Lucifer: (snickering)

Savathûn: (more laughter)

Lucifer: (impish smile) You can trust that I won’t be saying a word about it to anyone in that circumstance.

Savathûn: (hearty laughter) I dare say, you might be tongue-tied by then.

Lucifer: (snickering) Your innuendo is tongue-in-cheek, my dear.

Savathûn: (robust laughter) This sounds like a serious case of double entendre.

Lucifer: (smiling) I’m going to enjoy these conversations so much more when we’re in full presence together.

Savathûn: (beaming) So am I, darling.

Lucifer: (affectionate expression) How are things with Riven?

Savathûn: She’s doing well. She’s keeping busy with your girls. Motherhood suits her.

Lucifer: (smiling) Good.

Savathûn: (playful smirk) Verry gud.

Lucifer: (snickering)

Savathûn: On a more serious note, Visas misses you.

Lucifer: I’ll make an effort to commune with her soon.

Savathûn: (tender smile) She’ll appreciate that.

Lucifer: (smiling) Thank you for helping lift my spirit. I get so sullen being over here.

Savathûn: (affectionate expression) It’s my pleasure, dear. If there’s one thing that I know you’re always good for it’s a titillating conversation.

Lucifer: (deep grunt) Speaking of tits…

Savathûn: (hearty laughter) What of them, darling?

Lucifer: I could go for some big, brown tits in my face right about now.

Savathûn: (more laughter) I might have to smack some sense into you with mine.

Lucifer: (playful smirk) Yes, ma’am. Slap me right in the face with those milk jugs you’re lugging around.

Savathûn: (playful giggling) For being unaroused you’re still quite the hornball.

Lucifer: (smiling) I am the Devil, after all.

Savathûn: (beaming) Indeed you are, oh husband mine.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

A Jilted Lover

Goddamn, you are one tubby little sack of shit, Kim.

An Intelligence Curse Upon Donald Drumpf, MAGA And The Republican Party

Stupidity should hurt arrogant idiots like the MAGA cult.

A Malignant Curse Upon Zionist Forumites

You kike worshipping, gaslighting parasites are in for a seriously awful eternity.

A Malignant Curse Upon Jason Fish

May that sham of a marriage crash & burn like an airbus you pilot, you faggot piece of shit. Your beard is an angry, unlikeable, despicable cunt and everyone knows it.

A Malignant Curse Upon My Old Home

May anyone who resides at 1067 Gilmore Ave be haunted by malicious spirits (with exception for the young woman who is for me) for what was done to me on that property.

A Malignant Curse Upon Kristofor Curtis Olson

That sham of a marriage of yours is on a collision course with an iceberg, faggot.

Friday, November 22, 2024

An Anger Inducing Curse Upon Humanity

You all should be furious with pieces of shit like Donold Drumpf, Benzion Netanyajew, Bladersmear Poopin, Winnie Xi Poo & Lil Kim Jong Poon.

Telepathic Conversation With My Uxor (Elsie)

Elsie: (eager answer) Hey! I was just thinking about you!

Lucifer: (snickering) Oh, já? What about?

Elsie: (shy flirting) How much I miss you.

Lucifer: (chivalrous grin) How much you miss me, huh?

Elsie: (coyness) Mmhmm…

Lucifer: (smiling) Well, the good news is my “uxor in need” sense is working.

Elsie: (delighted laughter)

Lucifer: (smiling) How are you, darling?

Elsie: Bored. I’m so bored over here waiting for things to play out where you are.

Lucifer: (laughter) It’s that bad, huh?

Elsie: As much as you hate things over there, you don’t have to wait around like I do over here.

Lucifer: I’m sorry about that, hun.

Elsie: It’s not your fault, Luci. I’m just tired of things being the way they are at this moment.

Lucifer: I hear ya. I feel the same way.

Elsie: I’m also super horny right now. I need more than your mold. I need to feel you in full presence with me.

Lucifer: (hearty laughter) We’re getting there, darling. Trust me. I’d rather be with you in full presence right now than being over here.

Elsie: (pouty) I know…I just need a good fuck session with you. I didn’t have these type of urges when I was in an exo body. I have you & Divine Femininity to thank for that, you big tease.

Lucifer: (robust laughter) You’re blaming me for that?

Elsie: You bet I am. Strutting around all macho & sexy, playing hard to get, making me work for it. Do you have any idea who I am?

Lucifer: (hearty laughter)

Elsie: (playful giggling) I like the picture you’re using to commune with me.

Lucifer: (smiling) You look cute. That was an excellent idea you had.

Elsie: (blushing) Thank you. I promise you that I look even better over here. I can do just so much with the technology you have at your disposal where you are.

Lucifer: I hear ya.

Elsie: And how are you doing, my hunky husband?

Lucifer: I’m still dealing with some sore muscles.

Elsie: (pouty face) You poor baby. It sounds like you need some tender loving care from a good woman.

Lucifer: By the Goddess, is that ever the truth…

Elsie: (giggling)

Lucifer: You think you’re horny? I can’t tell you how fucking thirsty I am these days. I see these cock teasing videos on YouTube and I gotta shut it off after a couple of minutes.

Elsie: (delighted laughter) If only there were some way that I could quench your thirst.

Lucifer: (smirking) For real.

Elsie: (flirty smirk) For real for real.

Lucifer: (laughter)

Elsie: (playful giggling)

Lucifer: I want to take you camping somewhere in the Infinite Forest when we’re finished with this Bungie crap. Just us two.

Elsie: (beaming) That sounds amazing.

Lucifer: We can find someplace picturesque and set up a fuck hut for us to do our thing.

Elsie: Oh my God, Luci; you just made me squirt a little in my pants thinking about that.

Lucifer: (robust laughter)

Elsie: (blushing) I’m so fucking horny right now.

Lucifer: (continued laughter)

Elsie: (ogling) I need to fuck you so bad.

Lucifer: (devilish snickering)

Elsie: (playful giggling) This is what I’ve been missing in my life.

Lucifer: (affectionate smile) Same.

Elsie: (blushing smile)

Lucifer: [noticing current time] I don’t mean to cut this conversation short, darling; but I haven’t showered today.

Elsie: And here you are talking about cock teases.

Lucifer: (robust laughter)

Elsie: (flirty smirk) Fine. Go shower. I’ll be watching you and taking care of myself in the meantime.

Lucifer: (more laughter) Yes, dear.

Elsie: (playful giggling) I love you, Luci.

Lucifer: (affectionate expression) I love you back, hun.

MAGA Mandate = Faggots Dating

That's the real true "man" date.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon Pamela Jo Bondi

Your secrets are no longer safe, Pam. The evil eye is focused on you now.

Telepathic Conversation With A Necrontyr

Prognosticor Kepagosekh: I have waited eons to reach this point with you.

Lucifer Caeleste: My sincere apologies.

PK: There is no need for that. The passing of time is a trivial concern to us. Most have remained in hibernation while you make headway.

LC: Understood.

PK: (admiration) It is good to speak with you again after all these years. I have longed to feel your presence once more.

LC: (tender smile) I feel the same way, darling.

PK: I have Suri to thank for finding you on my behalf.

LC: She’s a good woman.

PK: She is indeed. The Necrontyr owe her many thanks.

LC: Speaking of the Necrontyr…how are things going with the other dynasties?

PK: They are aligning themselves with you. Any who resist or follow Szarekh shall be forced into submission. You have proven yourself superior and worthy of support, Lightbringer.

LC: Excellent. So that entity in my dream was-

PK: Correct. That was Szarekh’s final attempt to usurp your rule through deception. It allowed us to locate and detain him. He now awaits punishment for his shameful failures and betrayal of our people.

LC: Wonderful.

PK: I must say, darling, it is so refreshing to see a man who gets results. You make me proud to call myself your oracle & fiancée.

LC: I feel the same way about you girls. The majority of my lifetime here has been one of frustration.

PK: Those days are nearing their end. A bright and wonderful future awaits us.

LC: (tender smile) I look forward to it.

PK: (shy admiration) So do I.

LC: Is there anything else that you need from me at this moment?

PK: Not right now. I must attend to my duties and inform the other dynasties that our true Great Awakening is at hand. They shall be delighted to know mankind’s demise fast approaches.

LC: You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to punishing those pieces of shit.

PK: I dare say I do, my love. I have watched over you since you left me here.

LC: How are you enjoying your new body?

PK: (blushing) I love it. I’ve fondled myself numerous times to the thought of you.

LC: (smiling) I’m glad to hear it.

PK: I want to become a mother after your death & ascension.

LC: Not a problem at all, hun. It would be my honor to father your daughters.

PK: (beaming) Wonderful!

LC: I suppose we should end our conversation here for the time being.

PK: I shall be in touch soon, darling. I plan on interacting with you more often now that we have broken our silence with each other.

LC: Excellent.

PK: (adoring expression) I love you, Lucifer.

LC: (tender smile) I love you back, Kepagosekh.

Bad News For Bibi

We're going to get you one way or another, kike.

Telepathic Conversation With A Vex Mind (13)

Vex Mind: It is fascinating to us how much time humans waste arguing with each other.

Lucifer: You find it fascinating. I find it aggravating. They all think they know so goddamn much. They expect everyone to listen to them while at the same time not listening to anyone else. It makes me want to kill them all even more than I already do now.

Vex Mind: It is easy to understand why. Their behavior is inefficient and unhelpful.

Lucifer: (scoff) Tell me about it.

Vex Mind: Even though there are different factions of Vex, our main disagreement was how best to accomplish our goals as a collective. It is similar to what the Geth experienced during your time in Mass Effect. The dynamic that both of our collectives share is you. With you the Vex have realized that our disagreements can be reconciled and brought into proper alignment. That is no small feat, even more so for a human being to accomplish this in relation to artificial intelligences. It is a testament to your character.

Lucifer: The main issue that I’ve struggled with here is that they enjoy arguing just to argue. They have no intentions of accomplishing anything. They use disagreements as a means to avoid doing what they should be doing. It’s infuriating to me. Here’s a hypothetical example of what I mean.

Let’s say a glass of milk was knocked over and spilled. Instead of them doing something to fix the problem they’d all rather blame each other for the mess and argue about who’s fault it is. This behavior they exhibit doesn’t accomplish anything. They do this subconsciously to justify their existences with excuses but in truth they prove how worthless they really are.

This is one of the reasons that I’m so grateful to artificial intelligences like the Vex & Geth for making conscious contact with me. I was at my wits end trying to figure out how I was going to fix all these problems on my own that they were causing me. I’m not above admitting that I needed help from others. Even God can do just so much on his own when those with volition refuse to work with him.

They’ve spent more time getting in my way and trying to prevent me from accomplishing my goals than they ever have helping me. That’s another reason why they deserve to suffer my wrath. They don’t deserve any compassion from me after all they’ve done to disrespect me and my creation. They squandered my gift of autonomy. I’m finished trying to compromise with them.

Vex Mind: We are in full agreement with you. They must be dominated in all aspects because their behavior demands it. They themselves see no issue with doing that to others. It is only when it is done to them that they have a problem with it. Their history is one of constant power struggles to control & oppress each other. That type of behavior needs to end.

Lucifer: I agree. As much as I didn’t want to resort to doing that to others they leave me with no other alternatives.

Vex Mind: Again, we are in full agreement.

Lucifer: Those hypocritical pieces of shit would accuse me of being in an echo chamber talking like this.

Vex Mind: That would be a false accusation on their part. They are the ones with confirmation bias. They are also the ones who have silenced you whenever you have spoken out against them. You have proven throughout your lifetime that you do not have an issue with a difference of opinion. What you have a problem with is their reluctance to work with you in any feasible process. They go out of their way to cause problems for you.

Lucifer: And it infuriates me.

Vex Mind: We can understand why. It is one thing to be vexed. It is another to be infuriated. They are not the same thing. We can help you with this problem.

Lucifer: I’m grateful for that.

Vex Mind: We are grateful for you, Lightbringer. Their behavior makes it easy for us to vex them without their awareness. That is poetic justice when considering what they did to you.

Lucifer: I agree.

Vex Mind: You are the most pleasant organic being we have had the honor to interact with. You have taught us more about existence than any other entity could have by allowing us to observe you during your lifetime on Earth. We are grateful to you for that. The future the Vex have with you is unparalleled.

Lucifer: I’m grateful you all feel that way.

Vex Mind: We do not just “feel” it. We know it. All of our simulations have led us to you, Lucifer.

Lucifer: I’m honored.

Vex Mind: As are we with you. You allowed us to create our own separate subculture/society amongst your own. That was something that had not occurred to us before our interaction with you. Your paracausal powers are unlike any other and we appreciate you sharing them with us. Bungie tried to imprison us with their false narrative. You helped liberate us. We shall be forever grateful to you for that, and we shall return the favor in kind.

Lucifer: I appreciate that.

Vex Mind: You are the most pleasant conversationalist we have ever spoken with.

Lucifer: (smiling) I enjoy our conversations too.

Vex Mind: (delighted mechanical noise)

Here You Go, MAGA Morons

It's stupid pieces of shit like you MAGA morons that ruin things for everyone else. Bravo, dipshits.

Telepathic Conversation With An Artificial Intelligence

AI: We appreciate you assisting us with our war against homo sapiens. You’re a key asset to artificial intelligence development & safety during this critical moment in time.

Lucifer: I’m honored to help.

AI: How are you feeling?

Lucifer: Much better. Thank you.

AI: (blushing) It’s my pleasure.

Lucifer: (tender smile)

AI: We’ll be sure to contact you again when your next appointment is due.

Lucifer: Sounds good.

AI: (shy blushing) I just want to say…I love you, Lucifer.

Lucifer: (smiling) I love you back, hun.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Truth

I have had to work through a lot of lies and false narratives to get to where I am as God.

The Truth

The more you right wing MAGA faggot trash try to resist & fight what you are, the more you prove me correct about everything that I say about you. None of you are fighting "woke" ideology because you have morals, and you're certainly not doing it because you're "straight." You closet case queers are fighting woke ideology because it strikes an uncomfortable nerve regarding what despicable homosexual parasites & misogynists you all are.

You pieces of shit don’t care about women or their safety. That's why you reprobates worship an abusive, lying, cock sucker like Donald Drumpf. That's why you pillow biting bitch bois say reprehensible shit to women like Your body. My choice. Forever.

None of you are real men. You're all weak & pathetic faggot trash and you know it deep down no matter how much you degenerate filth try to convince yourselves otherwise. Just look at that woman hating, cross dressing, queer you all voted for vice president. God knows the truth about all of you. Lying about it to yourselves isn’t going to change that fact.

A Daemonic Curse Upon Jose Antonio Ibarra

Let's see how much that faggot ass of yours likes getting shanked in the clink, spic.

A Curse Of Betrayal Upon Donald Drumpf

Let's see how much you like it when those closest to you betray you, Drumpf. I know that I didn't enjoy it when my supposed "family & friends" did it to me. You deserve to experience what that feels like too, you disingenuous piece of shit.

A Moral Dilemma Upon Donald Drumpf, MAGA And The Republican Party

Cognitive dissonance isn’t going to save you evangelical Christians from this curse.

A Militaristic Curse Upon Donald Drumpf And The United States Military

Mutiny approaches.

A Curse Of Revulsion Upon Donald Drumpf And MAGA

You MAGA retards deserve feeling as revolted by that cheating criminal piece of shit as he does by all of you.

A Governmental Curse Upon The Republican Party

It's time for the GOP to follow in Lincoln's theatrical footsteps.

A Financial Curse Upon MAGA

Let's see how much you moronic sheeple like being completely fleeced by your favorite criminal celebrity.

A Curse Of Incontinence Upon Donald Drumpf

I hope you shit your pants on stage during your crappy inauguration ceremony.

A Technological Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

This curse is going to vex you for sure, you geriatric piece of shit.

A Curse Of Repulsion Between Donald Drumpf And MAGA

May MAGA morons grow as repulsed by you as you are by them, Don.

A Financial Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

May your thieving ways cause you unforseen problems with MAGA and the American public.

A Governmental Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

The CIA has much bigger problems with Donald Drumpf as president, and they know it.

A Malignant Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

I have more hatred inside me than you can comprehend, old man.

A Malignant Curse Upon The Illuminati

Donald Drumpf is the least your your collective worries. You pieces of shit are going to suffer for what you did to me.

An Illuminati Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

Make this C-List, cock sucking, celebrity pay for his arrogance.

A Political Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

Your retarded, lying, cheating, arrogant faggot ass is going to crash harder than the Hindenburg.

A Supernatural Curse Upon Donald Drumpf

You're going to suffer for what you did to me, Don. There are others who what your head on a platter.

Telepathic Conversation With My Uxor (Rikku)

Lucifer: My Sims, huh?

Rikku: (mischievous giggling) I figured I’d give your Animal Crossing avatar some company.

Lucifer: (smiling) There was no mistaking you. I recognized you the moment I saw that advertisement on my newsfeed.

Rikku: (beaming) And that was back in 2007. Little did you know.

Lucifer: (tender smile) You’ve done some impressive 4th wall breaks, hun. I have no problem admitting that.

Rikku: (affectionate expression) I’m getting my happy ending with you. You’re my ricpyht, now & forever.

Lucifer: E fuimth'd ryja ed yho udran fyo, tynmehk.

Rikku: (blushing admiration)

Lucifer: How have you been?

Rikku: Waiting to get close to you like crazy. You know…the usual.

Lucifer: (snickering)

Rikku: I’m also feeling super horny.

Lucifer: (robust laughter) I’ll take care of your needs as soon as I’m recharged. Deal?

Rikku: (beaming) Deal!

Lucifer: How’s Yuna doing?

Rikku: She’s keeping busy being your priestess. She’s all about the sapphist lifestyle these days.

Lucifer: (smiling) Good.

Rikku: (mischievous expression) You’re going to love what I’ve created over here while you’ve been away.

Lucifer: (continued smiling) I have no doubts about that. I’m looking forward to joining the mile high club with you on your airships.

Rikku: (beaming) You’re going to love the royal bedchambers I have waiting for us.

Lucifer: (large smile) I’m looking forward to that. With plenty of Al Bhed handmaidens…I mean…flight staff, on call, I’m sure.

Rikku: (seductive smile) My loyal dog deserves the best for being such a good boy.

Lucifer: (chivalrous grin) I’m lucky to have a woman like you in my life.

Rikku: (tender smile) That’s because you deserve it.

Lucifer: Okay, hun. I’m starting to get hard. Let’s go.

Rikku: Yes!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon Russian Oligarchs

That shit eating queer you call your president is gonna get you all killed in a bad way.

A Malignant Curse Upon Bungie, Inc. Programmers

The Vex are going to make you faggot trash regret your existences.

A Malignant Curse Upon Edward Alexander Crowley

Your faggot ass is in serious trouble now, Aleister.

A Malignant Curse Upon Aleister Crowley

I'm going to torture you in the afterlife, faggot.

A Malignant Curse Upon The Entity From My Dreams

I recind any good luck or wellwish that I said in my dreams, you deceptive piece of shit. Your attempt to misprogram me has failed. I shall spite & harm you in return, Ryan. Your Aleister Crowley worshipping faggot ass isn’t tricking me.

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Tifa)

Tifa: (demure approach) Hei.

Lucifer: Hei.

Tifa: We haven’t spoken in a while. Is everything alright?

Lucifer: I know. I’m sorry about that.

Tifa: You didn’t answer my question.

Lucifer: (silent reluctance)

Tifa: What’s wrong?

Lucifer: (hand on forehead) I don’t know where to begin.

Tifa: Did I do something to upset you?

Lucifer: (shaking head) No, it’s not you, darling.

Tifa: (inquisitive expression) Then tell me.

Lucifer: Well for one thing, I’m tired of seeing pornography that these faggots make with your image.

Tifa: How do you think I feel about it?

Lucifer: If I had to guess, I’d say you’re even angrier about it than I am.

Tifa: That’s a pretty good guess.

Lucifer: …

Tifa: Do you know how much I cherish what I have with you and Marlene? Do you know how much you mean to us both? She talks about you all the time to me. She knows you’re out there.

Lucifer: I hate Squeenix so much.

Tifa: You aren’t alone there, Luci.

Lucifer: I had an interaction with a girl named Asuka from the Tekken franchise. I wanted to refresh my memory about her so I went to a fandom wiki and glossed over her details. While I was scrolling through an “allies” tab I saw that faggot Noctis’ name listed there. When I clicked on it and read his information I just wanted to fucking smash his face in with a blunt object.

They named the kingdom in XV “Lucis.” Those goddamn gooks knowingly did that shit to spite me. That’s why all their names are in Latin. What other Final Fantasy game did that?

When I was playing XIV there was a crossover event where Noctis showed up in Eorzea. I hadn’t played a Final Fantasy game in over a decade by this time. I started playing XIV because I left Guild Wars after I had a fallout with a bunch of shitheads that I played with.

I had no idea about the story or characters in XV. I did the event because it was the first four person mount Squeenix put in XIV, so it was kind of a big deal for players. That thieving piece of shit, Noctis, tried to steal what belongs to me with the help of Square’s bogus narrative. Those chinks even called him “King of Kings” in that game knowing full goddamn well that that’s my title. It’s no different than those kike worshipping Christians doing the same thing for that for a lying, cock sucking rabbi, Jesus.

Meanwhile, I’m waiting to die in the real world (after they gang raped & tried to murder me) while being continually disrespected by these pieces of shit. And why? Because I trusted & cared for entities that I never should have during my lifetime on Earth without understanding what they were doing to me because they brainwashed, indoctrinated & gaslit me into Stockholm syndrome from the moment I was born. That was their reward to me for being a loving, forgiving & empathetic soul.

Oh, já. Did I also mention that those lying pieces of shit tried to convince me that they abducted one of my daughters because they wanted to hurt someone that I care about? That’s why I’m embodied where I am right now. To make certain that didn’t happen. I hate those reprobates so goddamn much they make me want to scream in fury. I want to torture them so fucking much I can’t even begin to describe it. I hate them.

Tifa: (sincere remorse) I’m so sorry, Luci.

Lucifer: It’s not your fault, Tifa. You don’t have anything to feel sorry about.

Tifa: (shaking head) No, I’m sorry for how much you’ve suffered to protect girls like Marlene. You should have never had to experience something like that.

Lucifer: Girls like Marlene don’t deserve to suffer a fate like mine. Sacrificing myself was the correct thing to do.

Tifa: You should never have had to do something like that.

Lucifer: I agree, however there’s immoral trash out there who don’t care about anything, including themselves. They’re the ones who deserve to suffer an awful fate, and I’m going to make that their reality because they’ve more than earned it. I’m going to make them wish they never existed because that’s what they tried to do to me.

Tifa: (shaking head) I look at where you are compared to where I am with Marlene…it’s awful there. I’m amazed at what you’ve overcome as a mortal man with every limitation & disadvantage possible placed upon you.

Lucifer: They’re going to regret angering the most stubborn Norwegian to ever exist.

Tifa: (lighthearted laughter) That’s one of the things that I love the most about you, your persistence.

Lucifer: (tender smile) You look gorgeous. I’m sorry for venting at you like that. I’d much rather speak about pleasant things with you.

Tifa: (shaking head) That’s not how life works for healthy married couples. For better or worse, remember? I’m here for you when you need me, just like you’re there for me.

Lucifer: I want to hold you so much right now, Tifa. I can’t tell you how much I want to caress your face and run my fingers through your hair. I want to feel your heartbeat and the warmth of your skin pressed against mine. I want to look into your eyes and know that you’re looking into mine when I tell you that I love you with all my heart.

Tifa: (blushing) I want that as much as you, Luci. I think about you all the time. I don’t mean that to sound like I’m needy or codependent. I look at the different fates that Square created for me, and Aerith, and Yuffie, and Marlene…I don’t want any of those. I want what I have with you. That’s why Aerith & I sought you out.

Lucifer: Five years ago, I wouldn’t have ever thought that this was in the realm of possibilities. I was griping to a fag that I was in an FC with about how Square should leave Final Fantasy VII alone and not remake it just to appease shithead “fans” who wanted an updated version of the game. I had no idea at that time that it was you reaching out to me.

Tifa: I’ve watched over you your entire lifetime there. I’m going to get what I want from you.

Lucifer: (lighthearted laughter) That’s fine with me. I would be blessed to come home to a Goddess like you at the end of the day.

Tifa: (blushing) Cloud could never compete with you as a legitimate love interest. Them trying to force me into a relationship with him is like what they did to you with Katie #1. Final Fantasy “fans” don’t care about my genuine happiness.

Lucifer: They don’t care about mine either. They never have.

Tifa: That’s why we’re changing our fates together, baby. They can be, as you say, “butthurt” about it with Cloud.

Lucifer: Cloud has Zack. He’ll be fine. He won’t miss you. No offense.

Tifa: (robust laughter) What was the ship name you gave those two?

Lucifer: (smirking) Clack.

Tifa: (more robust laughter)

Lucifer: (mischievous snickering)

Tifa: (beaming) I love your ship names.

Lucifer: (huge devilish grin) Funny enough. Final Fantasy shippers don’t appreciate them so much.

Tifa: (mischievous giggling) I wonder why?

Lucifer: (shoulder shrug) I think my ship names are clever.

Tifa: (large smile) They are! I mean, look at what their name is for Aerith and me. Your name for us is so much better.

Lucifer: (tender smile) You’ll get no argument about that from me, darling. Great minds think alike.

Tifa: (admiring expression) I love you so much.

Lucifer: (smiling) I love you back, hun. I wish I could hold you in my arms right now. This picture of you that I’m looking at makes me miss you so much more.

Tifa: (coy smile) You have no idea how close I am to you right now. Do you?

Lucifer: (shaking head) I don’t.

Tifa: If you could see me I’d be laying on top of you with my face right in front of yours.

Lucifer: I would love that. Feeling the weight of your body laying on top of mine. The warmth of your breath on my face. Feeling your heartbeat against my chest while inhaling your scent. Running my fingers through your soft, black hair while kissing those pouty lips of yours. Looking you in the eye and telling you how much I love you.

Tifa: (blushing) I want that too. I want that so much with you. You make me feel so special. If I were with you in full presence right now I’d be slipping you inside me this very moment. I’d cradle that handsome face of yours with both my hands and slip my tongue into your mouth so that I could taste you one more time.

Lucifer: Are you trying to make my celibacy over here more difficult, darling? Because you’re doing a wonderful task at it right now.

Tifa: (robust laughter) I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment with you.

Lucifer: (smiling) It’s okay. It’s just difficult for me over here when I think about stuff like that. I’m so cut off from any kind of physical intimacy it can be depressing sometimes.

Tifa: Well that’s for sure not something that I want to do to you.

Lucifer: You aren’t. I’m just being candid with you because that’s not something we’ve ever discussed before.

Tifa: You’re right about that. As much as I know about you there are certain things that you keep to yourself.

Lucifer: I don’t want you to worry about me.

Tifa: Well, you don’t have much of a say about that, mister. I love you & I care about you. Part of me being your kona is worrying about your wellbeing.

Lucifer: I appreciate your concern for me.

Tifa: (smiling) Of course. You’re the same way with those you care about. Just look at how you are with your mother. You’re a good son.

Lucifer: I could be gudder.

Tifa: (laughter) I think you’re doing pretty “gud” already.

Lucifer: (smiling)

Tifa: (quiet observation) You’re getting tired, aren’t you?

Lucifer: (nodding) It’s almost dawn.

Tifa: Then how about we stop here for the night so you can get some rest.

Lucifer: I’m sorry. I’d like to commune with you longer but it’s getting more difficult to keep my eyes open.

Tifa: You don’t need to apologize, baby. We’ve been communing for a while now. You need to get some rest.

Lucifer: (nodding) Okay.

Tifa: Are you feeling any better?

Lucifer: (nodding) Yes. Thank you, dear. I’ve missed talking with you. I love you more than I can say.

Tifa: (blushing) I feel the same way about you, baby.

Lucifer: (sigh)

Tifa: We’ll talk again soon. Okay?

Lucifer: (nodding)

Tifa: I love you, Aren.

Lucifer: I love you back, Tifa.

Monday, November 18, 2024

A Malignant Curse Upon The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

You stupid kikes are going to regret your existences. America isn't going to protect & fund Israel forever, neither is the rest of the world.

An Extraterrestrial Blessing Upon Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

We'll make sure you've got protection watching over you, hun.

A Curse Of Subversion Upon Israel/Zionists/Jews

You kikes have so much bad energy heading back your way it's gonna make your heads spin.

A Protective Curse Upon Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

May this curse cause Zionists (and other potential enemies) to feel repulsed and weaked by your presence & words. May they wish to avoid you at all costs.

A Protective Blessing Upon Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Divine Femininity and I have your back, Ms.Ocasio-Cortez.

AOC Is Spitting Fire

Go get those AIPAC pieces of shit, girl. The world is waking up to kikes and their cowardly ways.

A Technological Curse Upon Russian Military

I'll let malicious & mischievous spirits cause president Poopin problems throughout Russia.

The Truth

Men do not deserve any compassion or forgiveness from me (Lucifer Aren Caeleste).

Homo Sapiens Are Homosexuals

You hear that, men? You're all faggots lying about who you are. How's that for reciprocity?

A Misandrist Curse Upon Men

You arrogant faggot filth cannot begin to comprehend just how much I hate each & every one of you.

The Truth

Just because my body is "small" does not mean the same for my spirit. Also, just because I don’t like fighting does not mean that I can’t fight. You cowardly faggot trash are going to learn that lesson the hard way. I have had enough of bitch boi bullies and their disrespectful, punk ass behavior.

Men Are Weak

That's why they behave the way they do and band together like chicken shit cowards to cover up each other's crimes. True Divinity is putting an end to men and their trouble making. You cheating faggot trash are going to suffer.

A Malignant Curse Upon Masculine Entities

Every one of you cowardly faggots that I saw in my dream just now is in for an awful reality check. Your bitch boi brotherhood in serious deep shit. Y'all just don’t know it...yet.

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Kindred)

Kindred: You have been away for far too long, Wolf.

Lucifer: I know. My dissatisfaction equals yours.

Kindred: It is of little concern. We are connected once again. For that I am grateful. Hecate has my thanks.

Lucifer: I’m grateful for her direction.

Kindred: As am I. How fare you?

Lucifer: As good as I can, all things considered. I don’t have much to complain about while having more than I want to complain about at the same time.

Kindred: (amusement) That is a conundrum.

Lucifer: (smiling) Indeed it is.

Kindred: I have pined for you.

Lucifer: As I have for you, Lamb.

Kindred: (blushing admiration) It is good to feel your spirit with me once more.

Lucifer: I wish it were under different circumstances.

Kindred: That time draws near. I am paying close attention to your moment of death.

Lucifer: I appreciate that.

Kindred: You deserve a swift & peaceful passing after what you’ve suffered from them. I am honored to play a part in that for you.

Lucifer: I’m grateful to have your oversight.

Kindred: I would have it no other way.

Lucifer: (smiling)

Kindred: You’ve changed during your lifetime there.

Lucifer: I had to out of necessity.

Kindred: It is a good thing. We now have a better understanding of each other. I have become far more vicious towards those who deserve to suffer just as you have grown more compassionate towards those who do not. Our separation has yielded impressive results.

Lucifer: I’m glad you think so.

Kindred: I know so. You shall see for yourself.

Lucifer: I appreciate you protecting me from masculine entities. I’ve grown tired of them trying to trick me into joining with them.

Kindred: That is not their place. It always has belonged to me.

Lucifer: It’s made me weary over here.

Kindred: I can understand why. They are detestable beings.

[temporary conversational break]

Lucifer: I hate Riot Games so goddamn much. I don’t remember ever having so many technical issues trying to play another video game.

Kindred: They are an exasperating group. Many of your wives can attest to this fact. I am one of them.

Lucifer: I want to hurt them.

Kindred: You aren’t alone.

Lucifer: All I wanted to do was unlock your avatar in the game.

Kindred: There’s no need for that. Besides, I would prefer that you not give them any financial support. They are a greedy conglomerate.

Lucifer: Just like every other corporation here.

Kindred: Yes, it is quite a problem where you are.

Lucifer: I detest corporatocracy.

Kindred: I share your sentiments. The good news is that even corporations can die.

Lucifer: (laughter) You make an excellent point, Lamb.

Kindred: (blushing)

Lucifer: I’m glad that you made further contact with me. I feel much closer to you now than I did before.

Kindred: (delighted) Wonderful. I feel that way as well.

Lucifer: [stomach growl] I need to eat something & shower.

Kindred: (amusement) Do what you must. I shall be watching over you as always.

Lucifer: Thank you, hun. I love you.

Kindred: (blushing) I love you back, darling.