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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Oola)

Oola: Thank you for giving me another chance with you.

Revan: Not a problem, darling.

Oola: I never should have trusted Bib. I should have listened to you when I had the opportunity.

Revan: Making mistakes is a part of mortality. You learned that lesson the hard way.

Oola: (flirty expression) If you would have taken your mask off when we spoke I might have accepted your offer to escape with you.

Revan: (smiling) That would have defeated the purpose of what I was trying to do. I would have influenced your decision based on surface level urges rather than unbiased reasoning.

Oola: (flirty frowning) I would have been okay with that.

Revan: (laughter) Well, the good news is you have an actual future with me now.

Oola: (beaming)

Revan: (smiling)

Oola: (gentle caressing) I love the way you touch me with your mind. I love how you look at me.

Revan: (tender smile) Same.

Oola: How about I make up for turning you down the last time we spoke?

Revan: What did you have in mind?

Oola: (seductive smirk) Something that I would never do with Jabba.

Revan: (snickering) You’re on.

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