What does Israel contribute to an international relationship that's worth anything?
Don't give me the "strategic location" in the Middle East nonsensical response. Geographic location isn't enough to justify this false claim made by Zionists or their sycophants.
Israel is a parasitic state. Always has been; always will be. That’s how Jews have always operated. All they do is cause problems for others. That hasn’t changed since they began lying about being God's "chosen people." Just think about how offensive that would be if any other group made that statement & asserted it as fact over others.
Jews don’t contribute anything worthwhile to existence. They are unapologetic racists, misogynists, liars, thieves, murderers & hypocrites. Jews are reprobates; just like the rest of you. Any statement that Israel is America's "greatest ally" is a blatant lie & gaslighting. I say that as an unbiased & neutral observer.
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