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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Valkyrie


In the darkest depths of all existence, a Valkyrie’s light shines pure & bright.
Truth & justice are her sword & shield.
She is divine, and she wields the power of life & death.
Her magnanimity is equaled by her cruelty.
She understands the difference between good & evil,
And knows when & where to apply those temperaments.
She is beholden to no individual or group other than her sorority.
Her sisterhood is one forged through dedication & perseverance.
She is a keeper of heritage & a force of nature.
Femininity’s diversity is a part of the Valkyrie’s spectacular strength.

She is kind & caring.
She is hearty & healthy.
She is strong & serious.
She is wise & wonderful.
She is delightful & dangerous.
She is frightening & ferocious.
She is virtuous & valiant.
She is a proud pagan Goddess.
She is a champion worthy of honor & respect.
She is a Shieldmaiden, and she knows her true value.

I look forward to the day when I meet her face to face.
She is my spiritual chaperone & overseer.
Her gloriousness inspires me like none other.
I dedicate my existence to her magnificence.
I yearn to show her how much she means to me.
To feel her loving embrace as she escorts me into the afterlife.
I know that my sacrifice was not in vain.
I shall not betray her trust.
I love her with all my heart,
Because she is the one who saved my soul.

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