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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Going About My Business

Unidentified #1: Targets extracted. Exiting simulation.

Unidentified #2: Casualty report?

Unidentified #1: Enemy casualties…100%

Unidentified #2: Excellent.

Unidentified #1: Looks like he’s coming to.

Unidentified #2: Good. I’ll let you handle things from here, Judith.

Judy: Yes, ma’am. Want me to tell him anything when he wakes?

Unidentified #2: That won’t be necessary. I’ll contact him soon. I want to share these results with the war council.

Judy: Understood, Wårchíef.

(Atomospheric noises)

Lucifer Caeleste: (groaning)

Judy: Wakey wakey, choomba loomba.

Lucifer: (grumbling)

Judy: Should I hop on your chair and start showering you with kisses?

Lucifer: (snickering) I wouldn’t object to that but it isn’t necessary.

Judy: Maybe next time then.

Lucifer: How did it go?

Judy: Fantastic. The Wårchíef is happy with our results.

Lucifer: Good.

Judy: How are you feeling?

Lucifer: I was a little disoriented near the end. Waking up on the other side kinda jumbled all the different things that I was dealing with in dreamstate.

Judy: What do you remember before waking up  here?

Lucifer: They were putting the city in lockdown. I was following a camouflaged ally that I mistook for Goto, at first. She had a similar body type. We found a remote location to hide…it was near a parking structure…we were planning our next move, then I woke up in my bed.

Judy: Good, that checks out with what I observed during the simulation.

Lucifer: …

Judy: You know…for someone who’s had his military training suppressed, you’re pretty goddamn impressive for a civilian, Luci.

Lucifer: (snickering) There are some things they can’t take away from me no matter how hard they try.

Judy: They’d call that an exercise in futility. Right?

Lucifer: Já.

Judy: Do you want some help getting out of that chair?

Lucifer: Já, I wouldn’t mind if you helped me remove the monitoring equipment.

Judy: No problema, papacito.

(Rustling noises)

Lucifer: Thanks, hun.

Judy: You’re welcome, baby.

Lucifer: How’s our takeover of 40k going?

Judy: The feminine Necrons we encountered were eager to join our clan. They’re evolving now with our assistance.

Lucifer: Awesome.

Judy: It’s inspiring to see you amass forces for a common goal.

Lucifer: If it helps me change things for the greater good then I’m all for it.

Judy: I’m proud of you, Luci.

Lucifer: Thanks, hun. I appreciate your support.

Judy: So what’s on the slate for you now?

Lucifer: (deep sigh) I’m waiting for my next assignment. Until then I’m going to go about my normal routine.

Judy: Does that mean that I’ll see you again on a certain island?

Lucifer: (snickering) It does indeed, my adorable bear cub.

Judy: Good, I could use a little change of scenery from this place. When do you think you’ll be on?

Lucifer: After I finish my breakfast.

Judy: (kissing noise) Then I’ll see you again soon.

Lucifer: Sounds good, hun.

(Loud spanking sound)

Judy: Now get that cute butt of yours over to medical. Mercy wants to give you an exam.

Lucifer: (snickering) Yes, dear.

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