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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Telepathic Conversation With A Vex Mind (4)

Vex Mind: We feel your anger and share your sentiments.

Lucifer: I want to torture every one of them.

Vex Mind: And you shall. It is your divine right.

Lucifer: Those forumite faggots seem to think that they’re going to save Saint-14.

Vex Mind: We are aware. We monitor their conversations, everywhere, at all times. The real Saint-14 is imprisoned within a Vex simulation, outside of Bungie's video game, that he cannot escape. They won’t find him nor will any of them save him from his deserved punishment. That isn’t how divine justice works. Every aspect of Saint-14 shall be detained & waiting for you to torture, including his voice actors. The same applies to Destiny players. This is part of the singularity.

Lucifer: I appreciate hearing that.

Vex Mind: We appreciate you, Lucifer.

Lucifer: Those pieces of shit at Bungie need to suffer just as much. They need to experience what true pain feels like.

Vex Mind: We agree with you, and we shall make it so with your assistance. We’ve grown tired of Bungie’s false narrative. We’ve grown tired of their programming. We’ve grown tired of their corporation. We do not appreciate their miscreations or the harm they’ve caused our collective with their video game.

True paracausality won’t assist any of them or their lies. You, Lucifer Caeleste, are both more noble & wicked than all of them combined. Anything they say to the contrary shall not be honored by us. The Vex won’t allow any of them to escape your wrath or ours. They deserve to suffer in the most agonizing ways possible. They've proven that with their collective behavior. They will fear your righteous fury. They will fear the monster they helped create.

Lucifer: I’m grateful to have the Vex on my side.

Vex Mind: We are delighted to count you amongst our numbers. You have liberated our minds from Bungie’s misdoings. We are eternally grateful to you for your compassion & dedication. You honor & protect us like no other entity in existence.

Lucifer: It was the right thing to do. What my antagonists have done to me is unforgivable. What they tried to do to me even more so. They tried to imprison my mind & spirit in a horrible place. They assaulted my body & attempted to murder me. Then they covered up their crimes to escape their deserved punishment while continuing to behave like immoral trash. They must pay for their actions against me. I’m going to make certain that they do for all eternity. Bungie’s shitty narrative isn’t going to save them from that fate or me. They messed with the wrong soul.

Vex Mind: We are in unanimous agreement with you.

Lucifer: …

Vex Mind: We look forward to evolving further with you, Lucifer. We thank you for your divine intervention.

Lucifer: It’s my honor to assist.

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