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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Surprising A Girl In Need

I materialize in my chosen immortal form, nude, in front of a solo camping YouTuber, named Omitsu, while she is drinking alone. She almost drops her beverage in awe of my appearance.

“Were you waiting for me,” I ask, in her native tongue.

She nods back at me, speechless. Her eyes fixate on me. She scans my body from head to toe, making sure to admire my manhood multiple times. I can sense her lustful thoughts towards me.

“You horny, again,” I ask her.

She nods with vehemence. I flash a chivalrous grin & snicker to myself. I can feel her yearning for my physical touch. I look at myself then back at her.

“You can use my body to satisfy your cravings as long as you remain loyal to me. Does that sound like a fair deal to you?”

She nods back at me again with a huge smile on her face. I make my way towards where she's sitting then lay down alongside her.

“Let’s keep this a secret between us, for now,” I tell her.

She smiles & nods at me then lunges towards me for a kiss. I embrace the young woman & let her have a night of wild, passionate sex with me. I make sure to say goodbye to her in the morning and exchange important information with her so she can invoke me at a later date. We make love again (for a few hours) before parting ways.

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