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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Telepathic Conversation With My Kona (Aerith)

For a more immersive reading experience listen to the audio listed above.


Aerith: Okay, we got that out of the way. Now let’s talk about something else.

Lucifer: What would you like to talk about, hun?

Aerith: First, tell me how you’re feeling.

Lucifer: I’m doing better than yesterday but I’m still experiencing a lot of pain. I need to see the chiropractor again.

Aerith: I’ll do what I can to assist you from over here.

Lucifer: I’d appreciate that. Thank you.

Aerith: You’re welcome, my handsome husband.

Lucifer: (snickering)

Aerith: Tell me more about Clarrett & Zackiroth.

Lucifer: (robust laughter)

Aerith: (giggling)

Lucifer: You liked that, huh?

Aerith: I laughed so hard when you told your mom about that.

Lucifer: I cannot stand Final Fantasy shippers. Like...for real. I hate them.

Aerith: You're lucky they aren’t doing it to you. How do you think I feel?

Lucifer: I know that I wouldn’t like Non-Cetra doing it to me.

Aerith: Bingo.

Lucifer: I’ve missed you.

Aerith: Don’t even get me started on that, Luci. We’ll be talking all night, kinda like we always do.

Lucifer: (laughter)

Aerith: I love to see you smile.

Lucifer: It’s far better than being angry. That’s for sure.

Aerith: But to go back to your previous statement; I miss you more than I can say. I know I’m your spirit guide and everything, but it’s not the same as before you incarnated there. I’ll be happy once you’re back with me.

Lucifer: Me too, hun. It hasn’t been easy over here at all.

Aerith: I don’t know how you’ve managed to deal with everything that you have over there. It’s impressive, Luci.

Lucifer: I didn’t have much of a choice. All Hell breaking loose after the Ragnarök kinda forced me to take action.

Aerith: It’s still impressive. Seeing what you had to overcome with Christianity was-

Lucifer: Don’t get me started on that, hun.

Aerith: All I’m saying is that I thought Jenova was bad, and then I saw what that piece of shit Jehova was doing to you. Ooh, that made me furious.

Lucifer: (laughter) You know it’s bad when Aerith gets angry & starts cussing.

Aerith: Oh, you hush. (giggling)

Lucifer: (snickering) …

Aerith: It was a figure of speech, Luci. I didn’t mean it literally.

Lucifer: (exuberant laughter)

Aerith: This is what I miss most about being with you. I miss your playfulness.

Lucifer: I miss your playfulness too, hun.

Aerith: I’m looking forward to taking you around Midgar once you’re with me again.

Lucifer: I am too. Seeing it in the remake took me back for a moment.

Aerith: The real thing over here is even better.

Lucifer: Of that I have no doubt. How are things with Scarlet heading operations there?

Aerith: A lot better than Shinra. That’s for sure.

Lucifer: Good.

Aerith: It still amazes me how you were able to piece these things together with all the limitations put upon you. I mean, I knew you could do it. You’re my verr for a reason.

Lucifer: Just one?

Aerith: Okay, lots of reasons. Ya happy now?

Lucifer: (laughter) Yes, dear.

Aerith: I’m looking forward to adventuring with you again so much.

Lucifer: Me too, hun. I have not enjoyed Non-Cetra travel restrictions over here.

Aerith: I’ll be honest. I kinda like the idea of you as a homebody husband. I could use a man like you around the house.

Lucifer: (robust laughter) I’m sure you could.

Aerith: I’ll have you know that it takes a lot of hard work to do what I do.

Lucifer: Taking care of plant life is a serious full time duty. You're correct about that, hun.

Aerith: Just wait until you see my garden over here. It’s even better than what you saw in the remake.

Lucifer: I don’t doubt that whatsoever. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve done without Non-Cetra interference.

Aerith: Speaking of gardens…Rinoa misses you big time.

Lucifer: Já, I’ve been thinking about her a lot too.

Aerith: I know you have. I just wanted to tell you that she’s thinking about you as well.

Lucifer: How have you Final Fantasy girls been getting along since we created our exodus realm?

Aerith: Fantastic in no small part thanks to you.

Lucifer: That’s wonderful to hear. I’m looking forward to seeing all the different things you girls have created while I’ve been away.

Aerith: It’s gonna knock your socks off to say the least, sweetie.

Lucifer: Do you like what I did with Nibelheim?

Aerith: Oh my God, Luci. Saying it's a night & day difference is an understatement. It’s incredible. I love it.

Lucifer: Good. I’m looking forward to seeing it in full presence. How are things going over there with Midguard?

Aerith: They’ll be even better once you’re over here.

Lucifer: I’m excited to see it. Making it three times the size of Earth gives you girls a lot of play space to create with. I want to see Vaskgramr with my own eyes.

Aerith: You’re gonna love it, Luci. I promise you that. It’s far more impressive than Yggdrasil.

Lucifer: Well that doesn’t take much.

Aerith: (laughter) You know what I mean.

Lucifer: I know. I’m just sayin.

Aerith: So, about that date you owe me...

Lucifer: (snickering) What about it?

Aerith: Where are you taking me?

Lucifer: I figured we can talk more about that, face to face, when the time comes.

Aerith: Ooh, you meanie. I wanted something more than that right now.

Lucifer: (laughter) Okay, okay…I’m gonna take you out for dinner & drinks in New Valhalla for starters. I figured we could visit one of the downtown parks afterwards where we can find a nice secluded spot to relax & talk. We could even pitch a tent & camp for the night (old school Final Fantasy style) if you felt like it.

Some other ideas I had were visiting some Freewomen nightclubs like K/DA VIP then getting a rooftop penthouse suite afterwards. We could see a show like 2B’s opera ballet or go to a Valkyrie sporting event depending on what’s going on. If none of that sounds appealing then we can always go back to your place & spend time there if you'd prefer.

I don’t know…I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself because I like to keep my options open for spontaneity. You get even more free spirited after you’ve had a couple of adult beverages so I want to keep our options open for whatever you might feel like doing in that moment.

Aerith: (exuberant laughter) Have I ever told you how much I love you?

Lucifer: (snickering) You might have mentioned it once or twice in passing.

Aerith: Well, I do. You are the man of my dreams, Lucifer Aren Caeleste.

Lucifer: (large smile) Thanks, hun. You are a Goddess worthy of worship. There is no denying that.

Aerith: You can’t die fast enough as far as I’m concerned.

Lucifer: (robust laughter)

Aerith: (playful giggling)

Lucifer: I love you, Aerith.

Aerith: I love you back, Aren.

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