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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Friday, May 10, 2024

Deserved Punishment

For a more immersive reading experience listen to the audio listed above.


“What’s going on? Why did it stop?”

I turn my attention to the entity following me in my dream. “Enemy identified. Torture mode initiated.”

“Oh shit.”

I wrap my fist around the neck of the masculine entity that tried to manipulate me in dreamstate and teleport us to my nameless realm of punishment. I tighten my grip & squeeze hard enough to crush his throat with ease. The despicable piece of shit hangs motionless with his consciousness trapped within his corpse. Absolute terror races through his mind knowing there is no escape from his deserved punishment. I materialize my Righteous Cock of Retribution and stare at him with pure hatred.

“Time to rape you into a puddle of pain & suffering.”

The cowardly piece of shit screams in his mind’s eye with panicked horror at his eternal future. I slam my Elven Star chainsaw cock into his body and proceed to hate fuck him into bloody pulp. The entity that tried to control me now experiences indescribable pain for his actions. I stare at his remains with contempt.

“True divinity isn’t going to allow me to let any of you go unpunished,” I say in a cold flat tone.

That’s one more masculine entity apprehended. Good work, Luci.

Are there any problems with my performance?

Negative. Divine Femininity is satisfied with your results.

Understood. Is there anything else that you need from me?

Not at this moment. We’ll be certain to direct you where you’re needed. You can relax in the meantime. Try to get some rest.

Understood. Returning to rest mode.

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