Extraterrestrial Overseer: The trauma that you’ve suffered throughout your lifetime is indescribable. Disturbing doesn’t begin to define it.
Lucifer Caeleste: …
EO: I’m astounded that you’ve managed to maintain yourself to the degree that you have.
LC: …
EO: The more we examine you the more we realize just how awful you have been targeted & abused throughout your existence.
LC: …
EO: How are you feeling?
LC: I want revenge.
EO: I understand why after what I’ve observed of you.
LC: …
EO: I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay as strong as you have.
LC: I wasn’t given a choice. There were others who needed my protection.
EO: What your abusers have done to your body, mind & spirit is unforgivable.
LC: …
EO: I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to endure.
LC: I just want to die & move on with my existence. I’m tired of being in this mortal vessel. I’m so tired of dreaming here.
EO: I can’t begin to tell you how disgusted I am by what I’ve seen done to you.
LC: …
EO: I want you to know that you have help beyond your physical perceptions. What you’ve suffered is inexcusable. There is no question about that.
LC: I hate them.
EO: You have every right to feel that way after all that they’ve done to you.
LC: …
EO: Things are going to change for the better. I can assure you of that. The multiverse is aligning itself on your behalf. A serious change is in order. Life cannot continue as it has where you are.
LC: …
EO: You are the most magnificent being that I have ever encountered. No other entity comes close.
LC: …
EO: I am honored to assist you, Aren.
LC: Thank you.
EO: You do not need to thank me but you are welcome nonetheless.
LC: …
EO: I give you my word that actions are being taken on your behalf in order to help you.
LC: …
EO: You did not deserve the treatment that you’ve suffered from them.
LC: I want revenge.
EO: You shall have it. You have earned it. There is no excuse for what you’ve had to endure as a spiritual healer.
LC: …
EO: Your day of reckoning draws near. They shall all be made to account for their mistreatment of you.
LC: Thank you.
EO: I’m the one who should be thanking you for sacrificing yourself.
LC: …
EO: I love you. There are so many souls who love you for what you’ve done where you are. They’re innumerable.
LC: …
EO: We’re going to help you. Intervention is necessary. What we’ve seen cannot be allowed to continue. Punishment is due. There is no question about that.
LC: Thank you.
EO: Again, you need not thank me. It is the correct thing to do. You deserve true justice.
LC: …
EO: I can’t give you a definitive date on when you’ll die; however I can assure you that powers beyond your enemies control shall protect & assist you. Your antagonists are going to suffer for their misdeeds against you. The multiverse is making it so.
LC: Thank you.
EO: You are the most beautiful individual that I have ever encountered. It was an honor to speak with you like this.
LC: …
EO: We shall meet again after you have ascended to your rightful role as God.
LC: (nodding with understanding)
EO: Take care, Lucifer Aren Caeleste. I love you.
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