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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Lucifer Combats Neo-Nazism

“Eat a hook,” says the faggot skinhead ringleader from my dreams.

I palm his fist before he can land a punch on me & crush his hand within my grip. I shoot his two gang buddies in the back of their skulls (obliterating their faces from the exit wounds) with my Pistol of Divine Punishment. I shoot the gang leader in his kneecaps & immobilize him. He screams in agony & drops to the ground. Serious worry & fear are in his eyes now.

“How about you eat one instead,” I reply.

I materialize a large metal meat hook & stick it inside the gang leader’s mouth. I push him to the ground, then stomp on the top of his skull forcing the hook through the roof of his mouth into his brain. The skinhead flails about in a violent fit for a few seconds then goes still.

I snap my fingers & materialize a large meat grinder like the ones men use in animal agriculture on baby male chickens. I create three more meat hooks and shove them into the anal cavities of the gang members. I lift the skinhead criminals with my telekinetic powers then drop them one at a time into the churning blades of the machine. The grinder turns their remains into a puddle of bloody pulp. See you Neo-Nazi scum in Hell real soon.

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