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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Ready To Love

“Xivu’s worm, as you requested.”

I take the creature from Queen Mara then smash it on the ground like an over ripe pumpkin. I snap my fingers & reform the parasitical worm. It screeches in agony. I snicker at the disgusting bug with a wicked smile.

“I’m gonna luv you to death, you parasitical piece of shit.”

I pick the invertebrate up & place it upon a sacrificial alter. I unbutton my tactical leg wear & reveal my Elven Star chainsaw phallus to the worm god. It screeches even louder. My chainsaw cock revs with excitement at the creature’s dismay. I proceed to mushroom stamp the parasite into a puddle of eternal pain & suffering, and snicker to myself. I snap my fingers, once again, and reform the devious slug.

“Are you looking forward to being loved by me for eternity?”

The weak & cowardly bug howls with fear & pain. I flash a devilish grin & giggle with delight.

“Things aren’t lookin so gud for you parasites, are they?”

The worm god squeals even louder with terror. I continue with my ritualistic punishment of the parasite (in my immortal form) uninhibited.

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