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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Place To Call Home


For a more immersive reading experience listen to the audio listed above.


She ran as fast as she could, etwahl in hand. She had to get as much distance as she could between herself and that inn. She silently hoped that no one saw her escape into the forest.

Sticks & branches tore at Sona’s gown as she fled deeper into the woods. Wild animals scattered in fear at her frantic approach. Her lungs burned hot with each gasp of air. Fire & adrenaline coursed through her veins. She had no idea where she was going but she needed to find someplace safe & fast.

It was in that moment that something caught her eye. A strange light emitted within the dense overgrowth. Maybe it was someone that could help her? She decided to chance her luck & investigate the eerie glow.

I need to be careful.

It was better to take caution and silently advance. Sona weaved through the trees gracefully minding each step. She tippy toed through the mossy ground ever so softly. The mysterious light brightened as she approached. It was familiar yet unlike any color she had seen before. She made her way past one final tree to spot a portal in the middle of a small coppice.

What is this?

She moved closer to inspect. Within the portal she could see a small stone platform surrounded by enormous earthen domed huts. It was risky but she knew this might be her only opportunity to find safety. Sona placed her hand against her chest and stepped through the gateway faithfully.

The bite of cold air shocked her to her senses upon arrival. She turned around to see the portal behind her dissipate into thin air. That was a relief. At least now there wouldn’t be a way for anyone to track her. She took a deep breath and surveyed her new surroundings.

Where am I?

The village seemed to be empty…or maybe everyone was asleep? Either way, she decided it would be wise to find someone who might be able to assist her. Sona pondered her next move for a moment. She needed to find shelter and clothing that was better suited to this new climate. That’s when she noticed it.

She could feel something. Something was calling out to her. She knew this place somehow. Where exactly had she teleported?

She walked without inkling as to where. She marveled at the beauty of the village. Freljord was the closest comparison that she could think of. Perhaps that was where she was. Did she know anyone in Freljord? Whether or not she did no longer mattered because she was about to find out.

Huge wooden doors slowly opened from one of the huts. Sona froze in her tracks. A gigantic woman stepped out before her. Sona marveled at her impressive size. She had to be at least 3 meters tall. Her light blonde hair was tied into a thick warrior’s braid. Her obsidian alloy plate mail armor was worn down & battle scarred. She looked at Sona with an enthusiastic smile.

“Hei! Aren’t yü a morsul ov a’lass! Vut bríngs ya tü Lútavald?”

Sona had no idea how to respond. She wasn’t entirely sure if she understood what had just been said to her. A perplexed look suddenly appeared on her face much to the amusement of the large woman.

She laughed heartily. “I’m sorry. Is that better?”

Sona nodded with an expression of relief & gratitude.

“I’m so used to speaking with Útgarðrs that I forget how we sound to other Valkyries.”


A distressed look appeared on Sona’s face. She wasn’t sure how she was going to communicate with this woman. She needed to think of something & fast.

“What’s the matter, lass? You can speak freely here.”

Sona opened her mouth to speak then stopped before closing it once again. Another distressed look appeared on her face. The large woman somehow understood the maven’s plight.

So you’re the mute that we were told would arrive.

Sona’s head jostled with surprise. That woman just spoke to her mind directly without saying a word. How was that possible? Was this some kind of forbidden magic that she was unaware of? The woman looked at Sona with a reassuring expression.

It’s okay, Sona. We’ve been expecting you.

Sona stood quietly & tried to make sense of what was happening. She wasn’t sure what she should do. The maven sagged her shoulders & stared at the ground.

You do realize that you can speak to me like this, right?

Dejected, Sona looked up at her. How do I do that?

You just did it.

Sona’s head shook with befuddled amazement. The huge woman let out an exuberant laugh & placed a hand on the virtuoso’s chilled shoulder. She squeezed gently & smiled.

“Come on. I’ll take you to him,” she said.

The woman patted the maven and proceeded to lead the way. Sona wasn’t sure what was going on but she decided it was better to follow her massive new companion.

“Where did you crossover from?”


“Where did you find the portal to cross over to this realm? Is that better?”

Oh! Yes, that’s better. Thank you…I don’t know. I was running away from a group of men that wanted to hurt me when I saw a strange portal glowing in the forest. I decided it was better for me to take my chances here rather than remain there.

“You made the right decision,” she said, with firm approval. “You’re safe with us. I can promise you that.”

Thank you…I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name.

The woman glanced back at her & smiled warmly. “It’s Elsa. Don’t worry. I was in a situation similar to yours once upon a time, so I can empathize.”

Thank you, Elsa, for your help. I am in your debt.

“No, you aren’t. Valkyries & Cetra don’t indebt one another.”

What are ‘Valkyries & Cetra?’

An expression of reservation appeared on Elsa’s face. “I see you still have a lot to remember. Hilmir can explain things to you. He’s why you’re here to begin with.”


Elsa smiled. “It’s Old Norse for Chief.”

Sona’s curiosity had really been piqued now. What land was she in? Who was this Hilmir that Elsa spoke of? How do these people know who she is? Better yet, how did they know that she would arrive in their village? She had so many questions. Elsa stopped in front of a gorgeously decorated hut.

“Here we go; Heilagrfrest. Come on, I’ll show you in.”

Two colossal wooden doors stood before them. They looked as if they had been carved solid from ancient trees. A fully armored female champion was chiseled into the surface of each door. The women were painted with brilliant colors & lifelike detail. Sapphire & golden topaz gemstones, as well as clear quartz crystals, were masterfully cut & encrusted into their armor. Gold & silver highlights & accents were flawlessly inscribed with runes and further enhanced their divine aesthetics. Sona took a brief moment to appreciate the artistic beauty before her eyes.

Elsa grabbed a large handle from one of the doors & gave a vigorous pull. Judging from their massive size they must have easily weighed over two hundred kilograms apiece. Who are these people?

“Hei, Astri! Is Hilmir here?”

Another woman’s voice could be heard in the distance.


Elsa looked back at Sona & signaled with her head to follow.

“Heil, Hilmir!” Elsa bellowed as she entered the building, “She showed up just like you said!”

Elsa walked to the center of the domed structure & firmly stopped. Sona followed her new companion into the tavern and stood by her side. A monster-sized man with long silver hair sat hunched over a large wooden table eating ferociously.

He raised a hand signaling for a moment to collect his composure. With lightning speed he grabbed a large drinking stein & gulped what remained of his beverage. He let out a deep sigh then slammed his cup down forcefully. He slowly turned around to greet his visitors.

Sona could hardly believe what she witnessed next. The most gorgeous man that she had ever seen looked back at her lovingly & smiled. She stood bedazzled & gawked at him. She had literally been stunned by beauty. He laughed with delight at her reaction.

“I take it the virtuoso approves of me?”

Sona nodded her head still in somewhat of a stupor. He laughed with delight at her response again. She couldn’t remember how she knew this man but she knew that they weren’t strangers. She could feel them both silently draw each other closer. His essence comforted her spirit. She felt safe & secure simply being near him. It felt like home.

“Well, aren’t ya gonna say something,” he asked.

Visions flashed before Sona’s eyes. She saw pieces of her consciousness in different vessels. Were they alternate realities? Past lives? She wasn’t sure. It was difficult to determine, however one fragment of her consciousness stood out more than the rest.

She saw herself floating in darkness as an illuminating light. She was in an ethereal energetic form drifting in negative space. Her sonar frequencies had searched & called out to something, and it had responded in kind.

“Luci…” Sona whispered.

She could hardly believe what had just happened. She had actually spoken out loud. On top of that she had remembered his name & who he was without effort. He glanced over at Elsa & smiled then looked back at Sona with excitement.

“I spoke! I can speak! We can understand each other! Luci! This is amazing! Is this real? Am I really here with you?”

“Yes, of course,” he said, with a charming smile, “You know I wouldn’t trick you or lie about something like that.”

Lucifer looked at Sona’s guide. “Thank you for bringing her to me, Elsa. I can handle things from here. You can return to what you were previously doing.”

Elsa nodded her head respectfully. “Já, Hilmir. Ørendi ya mox, já?”

“Já,” he responded & smiled.

Sona studied the room with focused intent. She wanted to remember everything she saw while she was there. Lucifer stood up & made his way towards her. His footsteps were as silent as a pin drop. Sona’s focus quickly turned towards the Lightbringer. He had to be at least five meters tall. It was incredible.

His size suddenly decreased to a more complimentary one for her. Now he only appeared to be around a half meter taller than her. His shape shifting abilities were quite impressive.

“That’s a neat little trick you pulled,” she said, playfully.

He snickered at her. “And that’s a punny compliment.”

They smiled lovingly at one another & embraced. Things were really beginning to come together for everyone in the clan. Sona took a moment to reflect on how far they had all come as a group. It was amazing to see.

“When you asked me if I was going to speak I remembered everything. I remembered astral traveling & visiting you when you weren’t aware. I remembered communing with your mother for the first time & how you asked me questions through her.

I remembered spending Thanksgiving with you. You said so many nice things about me & my cooking…I had never felt that special, loved or appreciated before in my life. It meant so much to me.”

Lucifer rested a hand on her shoulder & gestured with his other for them to sit.

“Let’s continue the conversation over there. Would you like something to eat or drink?”

She hadn’t had time to think about something like that beforehand. Only now did her thirst & hunger begin to grow. Sona took his hand & walked beside him. She looked at him & nodded.

“Now that you mention it, I could use some water…and maybe a warm meal. This place is much colder than where I fled, and running so fervently from those mageseekers has made my throat incredibly parched.”

“Not a problem. You sit beside me & we’ll have a kona of mine take care of your needs. Would you like a hot beverage to go with your water?”

“Tea would be lovely now that you mention it. Thank you, Luci.”

“You are most welcome, Sonata.”

She gave him an inquisitive look. “Sonata?”

He smiled back at her with a playfulness she had never seen before. Simply being near him made her feel at peace & loved beyond words. This was the home that she had silently been longing for. She knew without a doubt that she was meant to be with this man.

He leaned in closely & whispered. “If you think that I’m not going to give you a cute personal name that honors your past…while being silly & adorable at the same time…then you better think again.”

Her cheeks blushed bright red. A large & excited smile appeared on her gorgeous face. The maven giggled like a lovestruck girl at his displays of affection. It felt wonderful to be this close to him.

“I love the name Sonata, Luci,” she said, then giggled with delight, “I really do.”

“I’m happy to hear you say that, and I genuinely mean that as well. I have wanted to speak with you like this for the longest time. You can relax now; you’re where you belong. You’re back home & safe with me.”

The reunited couple sat near Lucifer’s previous spot. Sona nuzzled against her partner & released a deep sigh of succor. The Lightbringer moved his arm around her backside & let Sona rest against his torso. His hand gently lay reassuringly on her hip.

Astri, would you please come out here when you have a moment?

Já! Be right there!

“Wait. Luci, I just heard you call out to someone else with your mind.”

Já, it’s part of the clan hive mind. That’s how Elsa spoke with you psychically.

So I only need to think about whom I’m directing my thoughts to in the clan & they’ll be able to ‘hear’ me?

Basically, you always have been a remarkably fast study. That’s one of the things that I admire about you, Sona.

She smiled bashfully at his compliment & tapped him on his knee with her fingertips.

“You are such a charmer, mien Hilmir.”

A broad jester grin suddenly appeared on the King of Hell’s face. He cackled mischievously at her new term of endearment. Tears of laughter welled in the corners of his eyes. He attempted to speak only to begin laughing hysterically once again. The Jester King closed his eyes & pinched the bridge of his nose as he continued to snigger.

Sona giggled softly as she listened to her lover. His raspy laughter warmed her spirit like no other. The Lightbringer dropped his head & rested his brow against his palm. His shoulders lightly shook. Fleeting bits of laughter & deep breaths could be heard as he collected himself. He looked at the maven once again, doing his best to maintain his composure.

“I wasn’t the one who came up with that whole thing,” he said, with an exceptionally large grin. “You can thank Elsa for that one. It just…kinda…naturally evolved as things progressed. I figure I might as well own it, ya know? It’s too funny not to.”

“I much prefer, Àirén,” she said, and nuzzled him more.

“When it comes to you, so do I, Sonata,” he said, and squeezed her affectionately.

A large barmaid appeared from a backroom. Her chestnut hair was loosely braided and rested atop her shoulder. She appeared to be bit smaller than Elsa, but not by much. Her expression was delicate but battle hardened. She looked at Sona with surprise & beamed brightly.

“It is such an honor to have you in my tavern, Dróttning Sona. My name is Astri & I am the owner of this establishment. Welcome to Heilagrfrest. How may I be of assistance to you?”

“Good evening, Astri. Thank you so much for your hospitality & kindness. I truly do appreciate it after what recently happened.”

“There’s no need to worry about that here, ma’am. What can I do for you?”

Sona smiled gently. “I would love some water & a hot cup of tea to start. If that isn’t any trouble.”

Astri shook her head & smiled back warmly. “It’s no trouble at all, ma’am. Give me a moment & I’ll return with your beverages.”

The barmaid looked at Lucifer.

“Thank you, Astri,” he said softly & nodded.

Astri smiled & nodded back at him before exiting the room. Sona sat up slowly and stretched her arms. She yawned with exhaustion from her rigorous ordeal. Lucifer inspected her body & weathered attire.

“It looks like you’ve got a few holes in your gown…as well as some scratches & cuts on your exposed skin. Once we’ve finished here I’ll take you to your private hut. You can purify in a hot rock sauna that I personally designed. I have the steam room ready at all times so you don’t have to wait. They’re really lovely in these earthen structures.

The sauna has a luxurious stone Ofuro soaking tub as well as a cascading water shower. There’s comfortable seating for you to lounge in as well as relaxing music for you to enjoy. Your favorite soaps, lotions, oils, salves, and fragrances have been conveniently located wherever you may require. There’s also a wide assortment of towels for you to choose from.

When you’re finished cleansing you can change into your evening attire. I’ve made certain that your favorite fabrics were exclusively selected. There’s a wide assortment of lingerie for you to choose from so please pick whatever you’d most prefer (that includes pajamas). You can relax for the rest of the evening after I’ve finished tending to your wounds.

There are living quarters in the hut, as well as a kitchen in the event that you’d like to prepare something for yourself to eat. A user-friendly interface is available for your convenience. Cooking ingredients & instructions are provided through that method. All ingredients here are locally sourced. We don’t do outside trading in this realm; however you can bring personal items from other areas as long as they’ve passed an inspection. This place is as close as it gets to the old ways, so we try to honor that as much as possible.

The living spaces have plush oversized furniture to lounge about in. Modern entertainment options are greatly limited in here. Traditional forms of art are encouraged for recreational purposes and skill building. If you’d like to play music we can provide you with any instrument you want, as well as eager musicians to play alongside you.

We do the same for other traditional art forms like painting, sculpting, sewing…you name it & we’ll get you what you want. You can also craft & customize your armor & weapons anytime you’d like. I suggest that you properly align yourself with your etwahl while you’re here so you can unlock its full potential. The Völur can assist you with that when we go to the Divine Temple.

Last but not least: What hut is complete without an oversized & incredibly plushy enclosed bed complete with blind out curtains, fluffy pillows & thick comfy blankets?

That bed is always available whenever you want to rest. Fragrance & incense sticks have been placed near by and are optional, as well as herbs & flowers to help make your slumber more pleasant. I have a personally designed stone water fountain paired with a moss garden that’s built into the bedroom walls for white noise & atmospheric comfort. It enhances the peaceful energies within the hut & maintains a constant healing frequency. It’s quite pleasant.

This hut is now & forever soulbound to you, Sona. You officially have sanctuary within Cetra territory that you may claim as your personal & private domain. You may also travel across all Cetra territories without restriction, or harassment, as well as establish new personal sanctuaries for yourself. You are a Freewoman here & you are officially recognized as a fully autonomous Cetra citizen. You are forever safe.

Is there anything else that I can do for you?”

She looked deep into his eyes. “Stay with me?”

“If you want me to.”

“I want you to stay with me forever, Luci.”

Sona wrapped her arms around his midsection & rested her ear next to his heart. The Lightbringer gently placed his arm around her.

“Then stay with you forever I shall, my lovely Dróttning.”

She sat back up & looked at him. “There’s that word again. Astri called me that too. What does it mean?”

He looked at her with an inquisitive expression. “What does what mean? Dróttning?”

“Yes, that. What does that mean?”

“It’s Old Norse for Queen.”

Sona’s head jolted with surprise. “Queen? You’re telling me that I’m a queen?”

“I’m reminding you of your royal status & diplomatic power now that you’re back home with me.”

Sona thought to herself for a moment. In all that time with the Buevelle house not once did she have an interest in politics. She had always focused on her music to help others rather than her family’s public station. But with him she knew things could be different. With him she could bring about change for the better.

Astri returned carrying a hand carved wooden tray. A sturdy glass pitcher with pristine water sat alongside two glossy oversized clay mugs. A wooden spoon rested atop a thinly chiseled slab of granite. Nestled snug atop her drinking utensil was a sublimely scented bag of homemade tea. The barmaid set the tray next to Sona.

“Thank you so much, Astri. I really do appreciate your kindness & care.”

Astri smiled bashfully. “You honor me with your presence in my tavern, Dróttning. I am ecstatic to have you as a personal guest. I’ve seen & read many of your adventures in the Valhalla records. Dróttning Sona Caeleste is a legend among legends when it comes to Valkyries.”

Sona remained quiet & contemplated what she had just heard. Dróttning Sona Caeleste. That had a nice sound to it. It made her feel safe & at ease. She loved that.

“Valkyries…” she whispered to herself.

“Everything alright, Sonata?”

She smirked & batted him gently with the back of her hand. “I’m trying to remember things…like Valkyries.”

“Do you mean the heroic women of the Ancient Norse that were glorified chauffeurs for Odin’s arrogant drinking buddies in Valhalla? Or do you mean the conscious group of Cetra Freewomen that liberated themselves from their oppressors & became the true representation of Divine Femininity…or both? Can’t forget the OG Valkyries that are with us here.”

“When you put things that way I remember everything now.” She sat bewildered for a moment. “That was amazing, Luci.”

“Not really. I’m just using key words to assist with your recollection. You’re so psychically & consciously advanced that it takes little effort on my end.” He chortled softly. “Sorry to disappoint you, darling.”

Sona shook her head & smiled bright. “I think that’s even more amazing now that you’ve said that. This is so wonderful, Luci. Where are we?”

“We’re in a small Valkyrie settlement called Lútavald in the newly named realm of Yötunheim.”


Astri chimed in. “Lútavald means Pay Reverence to Power. We thought it was a good name for a foundation settlement. It says all anyone needs to know, ya know?”

Sona nodded in agreement. Everything was so peaceful & made so much sense here. It was wondrous. Things came together naturally & it was always for the better. It was refreshing beyond words.

Astri snapped to attention & reached for the pitcher of water. “I apologize, Dróttning. Please excuse me while I prepare your beverages.”

Sona winced slightly at Astri. “You needn’t be so formal with me, Astri. I never took pleasure in that type of behavior. Just be yourself.”

Astri glanced at her while she poured the first mug with water. “With all due respect, ma’am, I was being myself. My apologies if I caused any confusion. I’m simply minding my duties as owner & hostess.”

Sona nodded her head, uncertain how to respond. Lucifer burst out in uproarious laughter at her expression & reaction. Her eyes now focused on him. The maven struggled to hold back her adoration for husband. Sona pulled away slightly and straightened her back. She placed one hand on her hip then stuck her other hand out & wagged her finger at him.

“What are you laughing at, Àirén?”

He smiled at her with a cherishing expression that she had never seen before.

“I’m just happy to be with you like this. That’s all.”

Lucifer gently ran the back of his index finger against her delicate cheek. He lightly pinched her chin then tapped her softly on the tip of her nose. She smiled back flirtatiously batted her long, dark eyelashes. Things had become so much easier for her to understand. She had consciously evolved, once again, with her mate.

I told you that you were a fast study.

This is incredible, Luci.

I’m glad you’ve made it this far with me, Sona. We’re so close to starting the next phase. I am so looking forward to full actualization. Soon we can truly be together & free.

I love you so much.

I love you back, hun. I know I initiated this conversation, but let’s include Astri while we’re here. There’ll be time for us to speak privately once we leave. She admires you & would love to ask some personal questions about your adventures; if you’re okay with that.

Yes, absolutely. You’re correct. Proper manners.

Sona watched Astri pour the second mug with water before she set the pitcher down. The barmaid exposed the palm of her hand to the couple. She was cradling a small & beautifully colored sea green fireball. With the flick of her wrist, Astri tossed the flame into one of the mugs. The majik orb disappeared instantaneously leaving only a hissing sound in its wake. A steaming mug of crystal clear water was all that remained.

“Bravo, Astri!” Sona clapped with enthusiasm & beamed with delight. “What a spectacular presentation. Thank you so much.”

Astri’s face turned bright red with embarrassment.

“You honor me, Dróttning. Thank you,” she said, then bashfully bit her lip.

Sona reached out & held the barmaid’s hands delicately. “Would you mind if I had something to eat as well? I don’t want to impose on you if it’s a problem.”

Astri quickly regained her composure. “It’s not a problem at all, ma’am. Would you like to see the menu?”

Sona smiled and nodded. “I would love that. Thank you, Astri.”

Astri bowed her head with respect.

“Give me one moment,” she said, then excused herself.

Lucifer lightly nudged the maven. “So what do you think?”

Sona admired their surroundings. “I love it, Luci; all of it. It’s so…amazing is all I can think of to say. I’m trying to find a way to express how happy this makes me.”

He smiled at her lovingly. “You’re already doing that. I can see it with your reactions.”

Her cheeks reddened at his comment. What once seemed impossible was now coming to fruition. They were truly consciously co-creating with each other on a multidimensional level & it was genuinely working for good. It was an incredible experience to partake in.

“How much of me is here?”

“More than me at the moment. We’re close to completion but there’s still a few things left to tidy up before the Singularity. That’s something that we need to discuss once we’re finished here. Everyone is setting up for the next stage. You’ll be an important part of that with your group.”

“Whatever I can do to help, just let me know.”

“That’s the plan. We’re going to Vanaheim tomorrow.”

She looked at him inquisitively. “Vanaheim?”

He nodded. “Já. I’m taking you to the Divine Temple. We can speak about it later tonight.” He motioned with his hand in the barmaid’s direction. “Astri is returning.”

Sona looked her lover directly in his eyes. “You genuinely are a polite & considerate man. That’s one of the things that I love about you.”

He flashed a chivalrous grin & crossed one of his eyes. “You keep complimenting me like that and it might give me a complex.”

She laughed with delight at his playful nature, then took his hand & kissed it softly. He truly was her twin flame. At long last she was home. Astri approached them with an oversized piece of parchment & handed it to the maven.

“Take all the time you need, Dróttning.”

Sona’s eyes moved from Astri to the menu. Heilagrfrest meal descriptions had been masterfully written with a lettering brush & black metallic ink. Beside every description was a photorealistic hand painted portrait of the final presentation. Sona had never witnessed such artistry before.

“She’s a prodigy too,” he said, and laughed.

Sona nodded her head with amazement. “Indeed, she is.”

Astri’s face became bright red once again. “And I’m going to cry if you both keep complimenting me so let’s try to prevent that from happening.”

Lucifer snickered softly at his spouse.

“I’m sorry, Astri. Thank you for bringing back a menu. Give her a moment & I’m sure she’ll be ready to order. Feel free to relax in the meantime.”

Astri smiled with relief. “Thank you, Luci.”

Sona bowed her head graciously at the barmaid. “Thank you, Astri. I promise that I won’t take long.”

Astri shyly averted her gaze then looked back at Sona. “Thank you, Dróttning. Whenever you’re ready simply let me know. Skol.”

“Skol,” they both replied.

That just came out naturally, Sona thought to herself.

Astri exited the room quietly. Sona took a closer look at her menu. Everything sounded delicious in its own unique way. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to eat. Lucifer instinctively leaned in & lowered his voice so that only she could hear.

“Would you like to know what meal I suggest you have this evening?”

“What?” she said, with piqued curiosity.

“The grilled cheese tavern sandwich with potato crisps.”

Her eyes scanned the menu eagerly. “Where is that?”

Lucifer pointed gently on the menu where the meal was located. Sona read the description quietly to herself.

Luci’s Go 2
Two thick slices of homemade bread generously buttered on one side and toasted to a dark golden brown crust in a cast iron skillet
- up to four different choices of sliced cheese melted to ooey gooey perfection

Note: see cheese list for options

Sides include:
One Útgarðr sized icebox tavern pickle
A healthy serving of thinly cut potato crisps that have been lightly oiled, dusted with seasonings & air fried to divine levels of crunchiness
- served with homemade tomato puree dipping sauce
Note: tomato puree includes malt vinegar, homemade olive oil & minced dill seasonings

Heilagrfrest Cheeses:
Grana Padano
Port Salut
Cream Cheese (various flavors)
Cottage Cheese

Sona looked at Lucifer with amazement. “I hardly know anything about cheeses, Luci.”

“Would you like another suggestion based on what I’d prefer in this instance?”

Her face brightened with intrigue. “Yes, please. Tell me what type of sandwich you would order.”

He leaned in closer. “I’d pick Cheddar, Swiss, Marble, and Provolone.”

She looked at him inquisitively & whispered. “Why would you choose those four from that list?”

His voice became more hushed. “Partly to do with flavor combinations. Partly to do with alchemic make-up when it relates to cooking. It also depends on my personal mood when I order it. I figured I’d go with these four cheeses for various reasons; one of them being to give you a better idea regarding flavor combinations.

Those four are a safe choice for a sandwich like this. They blend together well & provide a slight sharpness in flavor that mellows with the after taste. It compliments the toasted bread nicely, especially after you’ve dipped the sandwich in the tomato puree. Don’t even get me started on the potato crisps.”

“Then I’ll trust your judgment & order that,” she said, and set her menu atop their table.

He sniggered lightly. “That was the least amount of convincing that I have ever had to do with anyone.”

She wore a coy smile. “You trusted my meal choices. Now it’s my turn to trust yours.”

The Lightbringer leaned in slowly & passionately kissed the maven. Without hesitation Sona instinctively closed her eyes & held his gorgeous face within her hands. Lucifer took his Dróttning into his powerful arms & held her tight. So many times before she had dreamt of this moment and now it had finally arrived.

Sona kissed her lover deeply & sank into his welcoming embrace. At long last she was reunited with her true love. Every worry that she previously had vanished in that moment. She was home, she was safe, she was protected, she was loved; and that felt wonderful.

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