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Friday, March 17, 2023

A Challenge For Destiny Elitists

Note: This is an old post that I made on the Bungie forum shortly after I returned to the game in November 2022. It was deleted by ninjas & I was threatened with a ban because of massive butthurt.


I see a lot of y’all trash talking other players while gloating about how gud ur skillz are, so let’s put them to the test. This game is easy, right? Y’all want a challenge? I’ve got one for ya.

Let’s see you solo flawless elitists run a GM with no mods equipped. Don’t give me “muh champions” excuses. If you’re god tiered at this game then it shouldn’t be a problem for you to one shot an unstoppable ogre and not die in the process.

You’re a trials elitist with how many flawless runs under your belt? That’s cool, dood. Do a 1v3 private match (using no mods/class abilities) against a fully stacked, pro level, flawless team of three. I’m sure there are plenty of other trials players out there who would have no problem setting aside 5 minutes to assist with this endeavor. And don’t give me that BS pvp spawn camping excuse that I see you all use here. A true pvp god overcomes adversity and isn’t afraid of a challenge!

Oh yeah…ya gotta do this with only blues equipped too. No exotics. No masterworks. No metas. If your gear isn’t high enough light level then use some garbage legos & level them up. Problem solved.

Y’all wanted a challenge, right? After all, this game is so easy that an eleven year old can solo dungeons! My little test should be a walk in the park for you top tier gamers.

And don’t try to tell me that it’s impossible either. That’s just code for “muh skillz aren’t gud nuff.” Figure out a way & get the job done. That’s what real men do. Prove to us what macho men you really are…

What’s that?

You got disconnected & booted back to orbit before you could finish your flawless GM? Sounds like you weren’t gud nuff to get the job done in a timely fashion! Stop blaming Bungie servers & take accountability for yourself!

You can’t one shot that unstoppable ogre? That sounds like a skill issue to me!

You’re getting a mud hole stomped into you with that 1v3? Looks like that 3.0 k/d of yours is due to you being buffed/carried and not actually earned!

Put your money where your mouths are (seeing as y’all canceled your pre-orders & aren’t going to be playing anymore when Lightfall releases). Show us plebs how much gudder you are at Destiny before you go. I see a lot of big talk here but rarely do I see any conclusive video evidence to back it up. It’s high time we put a stop to that!

BTW: Triumphs & seals don’t count as evidence of your accomplishments (that’s the real reason why Bungie was deleting them yesterday). Post unedited video of your super duper über skillz so the rest of us can observe with impressed awe. And remember, no cheating. We’ll know if you do.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to return to mining salt & being gudder at life than you. Deuces & gud day.

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