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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Sunday, October 27, 2024


To: those of you saying that you (or someone else) don't have a soul

That shit doesn’t work on me. You're all responsible for your choices & actions, and you're going to suffer for your crimes because you deserve to suffer for your crimes. There is no "get out of jail free" card under my rulership. I have been more than forgiving & empathetic to the hardships others; and it got me where I am today with you stupid, ungrateful, parasitical, pieces of shit.

You all said it yourselves, "Do the crime. Do the time." That shit is going back on all of you. Y'all hurt me so I'm gonna hurt you all in return. Fair is fair, so spare me the false tears. None of you are sorry for hurting me. You're sorry that you can't escape your deserved punishment.

By the way, there are no shortages of malicious entities who want to help me torture you reprobates. So none of you ever have to worry about being alone for the rest of eternity. Aren’t I nice? Don't tell me that I never did anything for you ingrates or you'll regret it even more.

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