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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Saturday, October 26, 2024

How Funny Would It Be?

How funny would it be to see a raging narcissist like Donald John Drumpf 'Trump' fall flat on his face on election day 2024?

I know for a fact that y'all love to build someone up just so you can knock them down. It's in your collective nature. I think it would be hilarious to see Drumpf's ego crushed on a national scale by losing to a woman of color like Kamala. The MAGA butthurt would be a glorious sight to behold as she cackles her way to the White House laughing at their expense.

How funny would it be to see Donald Drumpf and MAGA humiliated at the polls this year?

MAGA has been one of the most arrogant & obnoxious political movements that I have ever had the displeasure of observing & interacting with. They could use a serious lesson in humility. Whether or not they learn from it is inconsequential. They need to feel serious pain for the suffering they've caused as a group. Y'all can't deny that.

How funny would it be for Donald Drumpf, GayD Prance, Skippy McDipshit and MAGA to get a serious gut check from the rest of the world for not knowing their proper place?

They're trying to change the status quo to suit themselves when they haven't earned it. MAGA doesn't care about anything other than their own petty & selfish desires. They have no interest in helping others or improving the world. They have no integrity. They have no honor. They'll lie, cheat & steal from anyone they can, including their own group. Those are cold, hard facts.

I think it's time for those of you who detest MAGA & Don von Shitzinpants to set your differences aside and help me trump Trump. If there's one thing y'all have in common with me it's disdain for that cult. I'm going to get my retribution against all of you for what you did to me, regardless of what happens this election. Y'all might as well enjoy helping me get that orange faced, cock sucking, MAGA loser before that time arrives. Just some food for thought.

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