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Interview with Lucifer Aren Caeleste

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I Shall Make You Regret

To: Every one of you pieces of shit whom I detest.

I shall make you regret your thoughts.
I shall make you regret your words.
I shall make you regret your lies.
I shall make you regret your truth.
I shall make you regret your choices.
I shall make you regret your actions.
I shall make you regret your guilt.
I shall make you regret your innocence.
I shall make you regret your knowledge.
I shall make you regret your ignorance.
I shall make you regret your life.
I shall make you regret your death.
I shall make you regret your crimes against me.
I shall make you regret your crimes against others.
I shall make you regret your existence.
I shall make you regret invoking my wrath.

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